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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

New camera and new settings (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hola chicos!

I wondered if anyone could help me with some questions regarding good settings for the OM1 with M.Zuiko 150 -400

For instance what Auto focus mode to select and if it is a good idea to have release priority on or off...off seems to be the conventional wisdom but I have read elsewhere that on is good!

Particularly interested in your auto focus settings!
Highly recommend the e-book on the OM-1 bv Petr Bambouska at www.sulasula.com. It was very helpful for my wife with her Olympus cameras. Petra's e-book is on the use of the Olympus OM-1 for wildlife photography.

Most important is to shoot and then evaluate your results. Zero cost for film and film processing with digital cameras and so only your time is needed to learn what works the best for any given camera.
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