This new book examines sea otter life in a manner that’s different from any of the others that I’m aware of. If you’re curious about what the daily life of a sea otter is like, this book provides an intimate picture and is worth checking out. The book is about a behavioral case study that closely follows the lives of a sea mother and her pup, chronicling and describing in great detail the day to day life of the pair and the progressive development of the pup. The study is presented in journal form. Among other things, it recounts and describes the day to day dramas, events and activities of their lives, the relationship and interactions between the mother and pup, their encounters with other sea otters and other species, how the pup learns about its environment, and how the pup (under the guidance and protection of its mother) progresses in its physical skills, its ability to use tools for processing food items that have shells or exoskeletons, and generally in learning all that it needs to in order to be able to survive on its own. Included in the book are 124 photos that depict various behaviors and incidents that are described in the field notes. As noted in the book’s synopsis, these make for a kind of pictorial documentary and allow the readers to get to know this pair more intimately. The book is titled Riding A Fragile Tide: A Sea Otter Saga (Abridged Edition) and is available on Amazon.