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New tripod and head for Kowa TSN-66A (1 Viewer)


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United Kingdom

I have recently acquired a Kowa TSN-66A and have taken it out a few times with an old Benro tripod (IT-15) and ball head I had from photography which I packed in about 3 or 4 years ago. I quickly realised that the tripod is unstable and the ball head adjustments are clunky and not suitable for high magnification (60x). I knew full well that I was going to need a new tripod and head, but hadn't put in the research until after I got the scope. I am now in a state of choice paralysis...

Thus far, I've read a number of "help needed" posts on here, the Tripod Primer stickied post and have looked at a number of YouTube videos and the Centre Column website, but still would like some help for my specific setup.

I'm 190cm and my partner is 170cm tall. The built in rotation capability of the entire scope is already massively beneficial for each of us using the scope without the need to adjust the tripod.

We will be using the scope in all manner of environments and situations, including at the coast, in hides, out on hikes, and general out and about at reserves and what not. I have no desire to use it from the car at present, but the need for using it in a hide has prompted thought for a centre column which does detach from the tripod so that it can be combined with a small clamp to all the scope to be used without the tripod. However, I've read mixed things about centre columns and am finding it difficult to find a tripod without a centre column (are these "systematic" tripods?) that will extend to 170cm (my current Benro fully extended with centre column is 150cm, and I'm reading I should get something bigger than I need, and my current Benro is slightly too short), which I figured is going to be a good height for my requirements, that isn't riddled with bad reviews or ridiculously expensive. What's the general consensus on centre columns and use of scopes in a hide?

Budget for the tripod is £400-500 and up to £250 for a fluid head, but I'm not opposed to spending double if there really isn't anything that meets the criteria that has a proven track record. I am leaning towards carbon fibre for weight saving as I am likely to be carrying it around quite a bit, but I don't think I need something specifically that packs down super small as I don't imagine I will be taking this abroad. In terms of what I've looked at, I've got it shortlisted to:

FLM CP-34 L4 II / M4 II
Gitzo GT3542L
Gitzo GT4533LS
Manfrotto MT055CXPRO3 - further investigation required!

Fluid head:
Manfrotto MVH502AH - I've read a lot of good things about this
Sirui AM-5V
Sirui VH-10X
Sirui VH-10 - think this is the better choice over the X variant
Field Optics Research FVH-320 - finding it difficult to find reviews on this.
iFootage Komodo K5S / K5 / K7

Another point to consider is also the type of QR plate. I don't mind if it's Arca-Swiss or proprietary if the entire solution (hide clamp and tripod) work as one, but I would want Arca-Swiss if they were separate as I would need to detach the scope from the tripod and don't want to be messing around swapping QR plates.
A. Get a tripod with a "normal" centre column. Detachable columns aren't worth the hassle (and another thing that can go wrong). As long as you don't have to extend the column more than ~20cm, I don't think it will introduce too many additional vibrations. Set up the tripod so that your wife can use the scope easily, and extend the center column when you use it. Much easier than rotating the scope IME.
B. Tripod: Of the tripods you listed I would get a Gitzo. The GT3542L would fit the bill. Don't go heavier, it's plenty stable for what you need. Height with a head should be just about right for your wife.
C. Heads: My preference would be the simple and well-tried Manfrotto 500AH. Not too heavy, and easily stable enough for the Kowa. I use it for the Nikon ED82, a fairly heavy scope, and it works beautifully.
D. QR system: The 500AH uses the 501 PL. Additional plates (and adapters) are available from the usual suspects. No need to mess about with swapping plates.

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The only specific model I can say I would 100% recommend is actually something you did not list (probably because it’s so stinking expensive!). For a fluid head I would say look into the Gitzo GHF2W fluid head. It is lightweight but pans and tilts smoothly while handling high magnifications and has a built-in counterbalance.

As for the tripods, there is no reason you need a series 3 or higher. Yes, it offers added rigidity and strength but for a 66 mm scope a series 2 or series 1 should be plenty.

Those are just my thoughts, sorry if it of no help!
As for the tripods, there is no reason you need a series 3 or higher. Yes, it offers added rigidity and strength but for a 66 mm scope a series 2 or series 1 should be plenty.
A Series 2 Gitzo would work. Not as well as a Series 3, but it would be alright. A Series 1 ... That's very much a borderline case with a 66mm scope. I tend not to use my Series 1 Gitzos for my EDIIIA (60mm) unless I want to (or need to) keep the weight down.

Benro, Velbon and Manfrotto all make good carbon tripods, however having recently acquired a Gitzo, I can honestly see the difference. Some excellent advice so far, a Series 1/2 Gitzo with a Manfrotto fluid head should do the trick!

If you're happy with used, the below could offer better value:
I can't add much to the tripod and head comments above. I use a gitzo 1545 and a Siriu va-5 head under my 82mm scope and it works well enough for me, I can't see anything above a series 2 being necessary most of the time although I am tempted to get a berlebach 302 for really windy days. I would be tempted to try the va-5 head though, it's really very nicely made as well as small and light.

On using a tripod in a hide I think it depends on what the benches are like- i.e are they bolted down or moveable, bolted down is more of a pain as they can get in the way of the tripod legs etc. Also how busy is the hide, if they're full I think setting up a tripod next to you probably won't go down too well but if they're empty it should be ok. I tend to set up the scope to one side and use the rotation collar setting the eye piece to 45 or 90° so I can still use the bins.
I recently picked up the 66A and added a GT2545T and VA-5 to arrive at a lightweight, high quality 60x kit. I’m pretty happy with it so far. This 2 series Gitzo satisfies my needs. I’m considering trying out a GT1532 to reduce leg sections from 4 to 3. The VA-5 has been a bit of a pleasant surprise.

Any tripod I’ve used for birding has a center column. When selecting tripods I pay attention to the "working height w/o center column extended" spec. Generally, this height (when using an angled scope) should be at least my height minus 12-15." I prefer to keep column extension at a minimum to keep vibrations down and this minimum height usually results in only a typical 0-4" extension to adjust for most ground conditions in my area. Occasionally the column needs further extension for birds in flight or for astronomical use.

However, you’re a fair bit taller than me and would likely need something like a GT2543L or the heavier Gitzo models you’ve selected.
I recently picked up the 66A and added a GT2545T and VA-5 to arrive at a lightweight, high quality 60x kit. I’m pretty happy with it so far. This 2 series Gitzo satisfies my needs. I’m considering trying out a GT1532 to reduce leg sections from 4 to 3. The VA-5 has been a bit of a pleasant surprise.

Any tripod I’ve used for birding has a center column. When selecting tripods I pay attention to the "working height w/o center column extended" spec. Generally, this height (when using an angled scope) should be at least my height minus 12-15." I prefer to keep column extension at a minimum to keep vibrations down and this minimum height usually results in only a typical 0-4" extension to adjust for most ground conditions in my area. Occasionally the column needs further extension for birds in flight or for astronomical use.

However, you’re a fair bit taller than me and would likely need something like a GT2543L or the heavier Gitzo models you’ve selected.
Good to hear the TSN-66A and VA-5 combo works well. I feel like I read the counterbalance isn't the best on that which is why I was still unsure about what to buy, that and the lack of Arca-Swiss even though I've read mixed things about it supporting it and not supporting it...

I've been paying close attention to the "working height w/o centre column extended" as you said, but trying to find a tall tripod with few leg sections, or where the last leg section doesn't have a diameter below 20mm or so is difficult! I've noted down the GT2543L and will compare that against the others. After reading the comments in this thread it seems as though centre columns are perfectly acceptable.
I can't add much to the tripod and head comments above. I use a gitzo 1545 and a Siriu va-5 head under my 82mm scope and it works well enough for me, I can't see anything above a series 2 being necessary most of the time although I am tempted to get a berlebach 302 for really windy days. I would be tempted to try the va-5 head though, it's really very nicely made as well as small and light.

On using a tripod in a hide I think it depends on what the benches are like- i.e are they bolted down or moveable, bolted down is more of a pain as they can get in the way of the tripod legs etc. Also how busy is the hide, if they're full I think setting up a tripod next to you probably won't go down too well but if they're empty it should be ok. I tend to set up the scope to one side and use the rotation collar setting the eye piece to 45 or 90° so I can still use the bins.
Another tick for the VA-5 :)

Most hides I've been in have had moveable benches and there's been a mix of busy and quiet ones. I wouldn't set up a tripod in a busy hide as you said, which is why I was intrigued by the hide clamps! I think I will buy a tripod and fluid head and then see how I get on in hides. I can always buy something separate and keep it in the car ready to lug around if there's a wiff of a hide. It seems as though there's no silver bullet for my desires!
The only specific model I can say I would 100% recommend is actually something you did not list (probably because it’s so stinking expensive!). For a fluid head I would say look into the Gitzo GHF2W fluid head. It is lightweight but pans and tilts smoothly while handling high magnifications and has a built-in counterbalance.
Not the OP, but the Joby UK storefront on Amazon UK has some nice discounts on Gitzo gear so I took the plunge at £245. I’m afraid it was their last one, however.
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