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Nikon 40x WDS eyepiece (1 Viewer)


Has anyone got a Nikon 40x WDS eyepiece, and how good is it?
There is one for sale for £145 on a well known auction sight, and I am tempted to buy it.
I have got a Nikon ED 82 which will give me 50x magnification with this eyepiece.
All comments gladly recieved.
Has anyone got a Nikon 40x WDS eyepiece, and how good is it?
There is one for sale for £145 on a well known auction sight, and I am tempted to buy it.
I have got a Nikon ED 82 which will give me 50x magnification with this eyepiece.
All comments gladly recieved.
I own the 27x/40x/50x DS since some years and keep it almost always mounted on the Nikon Fieldscope ED50 where at 27x it provides an excellent yield. The optical quality is very good, apart from a slight yellowish cast which is a little more perceptible on the Filedscope ED82, maybe linked to my specimen. The depth of field is very limited at 50x, so I usually use the 30x DS or the 38x MC with the ED82. However for some applications (eg seawatching, shorebirds, wildfowl) I think it might work very fine. At that price it's worth considering
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I find the 27x/40x/50x useful with every Nikon Fieldscope. The optical quality is excellent, and - like all the DS eyepieces - it works extremely well if you wear glasses. If I were you I'd get it provided it's in good shape.

Yes I use one with an ED50 and Fieldscope IIIA and it's a nice piece. Worth looking on amazon.co.jp - they were going new for about £160 including tax and shipping.
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