James Emerson
Norwich Birder
I am hoping that It will pay a visit to Bawburgh at some point over the winter.
Something that may be of interest to Norwich birders, is the news I have received from three separate sources, regarding Bittern wintering at Bawburgh pits. The first was from a very reliable source, but I had put it down to a one off record. But, since then I have been informed of sightings from at least three separate winters and a possibly second bird.
Are there any reliable wintering sites for Bittern in the 'Greater Norwich' area?
Regards, Kieran
I think Bawburgh is probably the best bet, being permit-only it doesn't get disturbed as much as other sites. I remember Ilya found a Bittern there in 2009, but I vaguely remember hearing about one since. There have been sightings at Whitlingham for the past three years (I saw one in 2011), but I think they are just passing through, it's too disturbed for one to over-winter. There was also one that Jo (kittykat23uk) found and got some great photos of at Hellesdon Meadows in 2010: http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?p=2010071&highlight=bittern#post2010071