Well-known member
'Charismatic megafauna'. Elephants represent wild africa, disney movies, The Jungle Book. Cows and chickens, not so much. So you are ok with one but not the other based on either the fact that they have been exploited for longer ('domesticated') or that one is condsidered cute/valuable/noble and the other not?So would you say that farming, say elephants for meat is precisely the same as farming chickens for meat, or herding and then killing wild dolphins in Japan the same as shooting rabbits?
Degree of intelligence, method of death, other unknown factors as per the article. (The article does infer it is objectively worse in several ways)
You aren't going to unwind millenia of domestication of farm animals just like that. (Although good luck, and I know people are trying). It's worth bringing up and trying to stop some new form of animal torture before it gets off the ground, surely????
Choose your battles ...
Sorry, I love Octopii and I'm against farming meat and fish in general. But it's uniquely human to make such value judgements 'i'm against _____' while roasting a steak on the barby ;-)