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Pelee or Rondeau spring 2022? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
So Covid-19 allowing, my spring 2022 plan is to head from the UK to Ontario for spring warbler migration. My question is, do I primarily base myself at Point Pelee or Rondeau Provincial Park?

Clearly Point Pelee is the more well known destination, but looking at ebird this Spring, Rondeau seems to be getting the better birds (cerulean, golden-winged and kirtland’s warblers) and the more common warblers in greater numbers?

Timing I'm thinking 13th to 20th May?
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Think Pelee has better logistics support, but Rondeau is a good bit closer to the larger towns in Canada.
The shortest drive would be to land in Detroit and then drive into Canada, but that assumes the borders once they reopen will be as casual as they used to be.
Imho, the weather is likely to be your biggest issue, migration is definitely fickle that way. Here in NYC, the flow increased drastically in the last few days as the winds shifted. Usually, the birds are here a week or two earlier.
Think Pelee has better logistics support, but Rondeau is a good bit closer to the larger towns in Canada.
The shortest drive would be to land in Detroit and then drive into Canada, but that assumes the borders once they reopen will be as casual as they used to be.
Imho, the weather is likely to be your biggest issue, migration is definitely fickle that way. Here in NYC, the flow increased drastically in the last few days as the winds shifted. Usually, the birds are here a week or two earlier.
Thanks for the info, I actually used to work for a chemical company based in Sarnia, so I’ve flown from the UK to Chicago and then onto Detroit, before driving over the border. Unfortunately it was completely the wrong time of year for birds.

I used to find the US/Canadian border tough going, maybe it’s because, I wasn’t a US/Canadian citizen? I hate the stress of long haul connecting flights too. For these reasons I’ll probably go direct to Toronto and then do the 3.5 hour drive?
Thanks for the info, I actually used to work for a chemical company based in Sarnia, so I’ve flown from the UK to Chicago and then onto Detroit, before driving over the border. Unfortunately it was completely the wrong time of year for birds.

I used to find the US/Canadian border tough going, maybe it’s because, I wasn’t a US/Canadian citizen? I hate the stress of long haul connecting flights too. For these reasons I’ll probably go direct to Toronto and then do the 3.5 hour drive?
We visited both in May 2019 , but in the last week of the month for non-birding reasons. Pelee had more birding infrastructure and more people birding while we were there but Rondeau also had a visitor centre with the latest info etc. My impression was that Rondeau seemed to have more habitat and potential to find your own stuff ? Breeding prothonotary there too. For sheer number of ticks , I’d imagine Pelee would win because the birds seemed more concentrated and more birders to find them, but got to say I enjoyed birding Rondeau more. Why not take in both,especially if you’re flying into Toronto ?
I think Pelee would get you more species. Ebird records a lot more sightings at Point Pelee than Rondeau. From Pelee you can also visit Hillman Marsh and Wheatly Provincial Park which are not far away. I can recommend a local birder with a vehicle who would guide you for a lot less than a professional birding company if you wish.
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