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Pitta's in Shah Alam (1 Viewer)


Active member
Hi everyone,

Next week i will go to Malaysia. I decided to start at Shah Alam botanical park to find Hooded and Blue-winged Pitta. The blog-posts online talk about known sites,but where wthes are, i can't find on the internet. Can someone help me where to find the pitta's?

Kind regards,
According to ebird the birds are only there in the winter. Fascinating, considering that the climate in Kuala Lumpur is not that different from south thailand.
Unfortunately on ebird it is impossible to find the exact location other than that the birds are somewhere in the park....
Although of very limited use, I did find a reference to "2 streams" within the park where one observer was looking for Hooded. I suppose any shaded gullies with good leaf-litter either at dawn or dusk are the obvious starting points, and I remember Hooded being rather vocal on my previous trips to Asia.

Good luck!
According to ebird the birds are only there in the winter. Fascinating, considering that the climate in Kuala Lumpur is not that different from south thailand.
Unfortunately on ebird it is impossible to find the exact location other than that the birds are somewhere in the park....

They won't be hard to find if they're calling.
True, but do they call in their wintering range?

If they're resident, they may start calling in March (?) but it is early, try playing the call, Pitta's are often, very responsive.

Note that Pittas are known to reply to a tape once and then go silent, you think they've lost interest but they will often approach, silently after the first response and suddenly just appear.. Also note in regard to Blue-winged, that they can often be several metres up a tree so don't limit your searching to the ground if you hear one.
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