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Places in USA to interact with birds (1 Viewer)


New member
Hello! I am looking for all the places in USA where you can interact with birds face to face, feed them and get really close. A great example would be Reptile Land in PA. There you have sticks with seeds on them and parakeets land on the sticks and sometimes you. It's an amazing experience and I am looking for more places like that one. Any type of bird and any state. Please let me know, I'm having trouble finding anything myself
At Turtle Bay in Redding, CA they have the Parrot Playhouse which has quite a few lorikeets (more than 3 species and 18+ birds when we went) in an enclosure that you can hang-out with them and even feed them. The exhibit was slow when we went (January) and so my girlfriend and I were all alone with the docent and the whole flock of the inquisitive critters. Wow that was a great birthday present!

A side note, not alot of places keep lorikeets because they are *so* curious and have a tendency to essentially strip and disassemble their enclosures!

Apparently they recently took the whole lorikeet flock from the Philadelphia zoo and now have more than 4 species and 40+ birds!
At Turtle Bay in Redding, CA they have the Parrot Playhouse which has quite a few lorikeets (more than 3 species and 18+ birds when we went) in an enclosure that you can hang-out with them and even feed them. The exhibit was slow when we went (January) and so my girlfriend and I were all alone with the docent and the whole flock of the inquisitive critters. Wow that was a great birthday present!

A side note, not alot of places keep lorikeets because they are *so* curious and have a tendency to essentially strip and disassemble their enclosures!

Apparently they recently took the whole lorikeet flock from the Philadelphia zoo and now have more than 4 species and 40+ birds!
Thank you very much, that place sounds perfect!!! I will definitely visit it this summer :) Do you know a good way to find more places like these? I haven't had much luck :/
Thank you very much, that place sounds perfect!!! I will definitely visit it this summer :) Do you know a good way to find more places like these? I haven't had much luck :/
My girlfriend has a fascination with the Sundial Bridge in Redding (she's originally from the Shasta/Yreka area) and the architect Santiago Calatrava, so that was the draw from the beginning. Then we found out there was good birding to be had. The lorikeets she knew about and surprised me.

We tend to loosely base our relaxation-style vacations based on out-of-the-way places with trees, water, and nature and then go looking for birding sites (not tough on the Sacramento River) kinda secondarily, but importantly.

I wouldn't say Redding is normally high on anyone's vacation list, but it surprised us and we may go back some year.

How to find these sorts of things more intentionally, I wish I knew.
It must be a California thing - both the San Diego Zoo Safari Park (not the Zoo, but the Zoo Safari Park which is at a separate location) and the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach have a place where you can buy a cup of nectar and feed the Lorikeets. Search for "lorikeet" and either of the places I mentioned for more info.
The NY Central Park Zoo has a large walk in aviary, where the birds are free to interact with each other or with the guests. However, afaik there are no bird snacks provided, so less probability of a direct interaction.
I'd think the CP Zoo would be quite open to the idea though, they are always on the lookout for new ideas to bring the city people into closer contact with nature.
When i lived in Outpost I often visited New York City's Central Park and interacted with birds face to face. You just need to find people who are also interested in birds and they will tell you how to do it.
Discovery Cove in Fla has a great aviary in which you interact with the birds... However being part of a specialty them park environment... admission is expensive.
Not sure if this is the correct place for this but if not please move.
Looking for pin badges from USA and hoping to make a contact who would be willing to post to the UK.
I know there are many badges out there but in the UK we are unable to get them posted to us.
So I am willing to pay for all postage and packing please get in touch
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