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Please ID - Cadiz province, south of Spain (1 Viewer)

Henry Sharp

Active member
Who can ID these birds? I saw them this morning in the north of the province of Cadiz, Spain. Close together, but I think they are different species. Think some Lark.
Thanks in advance!


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do you have more pictures of the second bird, the Pipit?
There are many threads about RT vs Meadow Pipits here on BF where I learned much, and yes, the extent and shape of the black streaks on the underparts are good for RT Pipit, but some (at least) have still more blop shaped ones. And the bill seems to be too warmly orange coloured (although enhanced by light shining through effect?)

Edit: although the malar streak seems really square and large favoring RT Pipit (?)
Unfortunately the other photos I took are very similar. I am uploading another one anyway. I will check out the other threads you mentioned, thanks a lot!


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It's hard to be 100% confident about the structure/colours on the lark - an indication of the habitat where it was photographed might help. I have similar reservations about making a judgement about the upper parts of the pipit but the underparts look unusual for Meadow Pipit and more like Red-throated. Then again Meadow Pipit are variable and they are certainly common winter visitors to Andalucia whereas Red-throated are rarities.
It's hard to be 100% confident about the structure/colours on the lark - an indication of the habitat where it was photographed might help. I have similar reservations about making a judgement about the upper parts of the pipit but the underparts look unusual for Meadow Pipit and more like Red-throated. Then again Meadow Pipit are variable and they are certainly common winter visitors to Andalucia whereas Red-throated are rarities.
I saw both birds close to Los Tollos Lagoon in El Cuervo. Some photos of the place in this blog post:

How litter ruined my BIRDING TRIP to a hidden gem

As far as I can remember, every time I have seen a Meadow Pipit it was sitting on the grass, looking for insects, like literally every time. Now this bird was sitting on the branch of a tree, but this may just have been a coincidence.
I saw both birds close to Los Tollos Lagoon in El Cuervo. Some photos of the place in this blog post:

How litter ruined my BIRDING TRIP to a hidden gem

As far as I can remember, every time I have seen a Meadow Pipit it was sitting on the grass, looking for insects, like literally every time. Now this bird was sitting on the branch of a tree, but this may just have been a coincidence.
I know the location and would suggest that Crested Lark is far more likely there. I don't think firm conclusions can be drawn from the pipit sitting in a tree rather than foraging in the grass.
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