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Plovers - Ishigaki, Japan (Jan 2020) (1 Viewer)

Paul Collins

Well-known member
Hi all,

Hoping someone can shed light on these plovers. I saw this flock of about 100 plovers in Ishigaki on Maesato Beach last weekend.

These are tight crops of two different photos. I think this first image has a Kentish Plover (in the foreground, facing us), and then Greater and/or Lesser Sand Plovers? Is the one walking left and leaning forward a Greater Sand Plover?


Again not sure about these - sand plovers maybe but what type? Both?


Feel free to edit these - any ID pointers would be very helpful as I've got very limited experience with sand-plovers.


In the first photo I agree that the bird in the centre is Greater Sandplover. I can also see Kentish and Lesser Sandplovers.

In the second photo, most of the birds appear to be Kentish Plovers, but the two on the left look like Lesser Sandplovers. There's also a small Calidris - maybe a Red-necked Stint.

I was on Ishigaki just a week or so back. Hope you have a good time there!
Okay great thank you!

As for the calidris, I'd written them off as dunlin but actually see what you mean about stint.


Here's a clearer shot of them. Do you think red-necked stint for these?

Ishigaki's great; I was on Iriomote too for a couple of days and was amazed to get to top of Pinaisara Falls and find no one else there! Nice to see endemics too and great views of Brown Hawk Owl and Ryukyu Scops Owl in Banna Park on Ishigaki. Hope your trip went well.

I would say Red-necked Stint for those waders.

I also visited Iriomote - fantastic place. You can check my sightings on Ebird but I had a very nice time on both islands.
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