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Ciao a tutti mi chiamo Cristian sono italiano della provincia di Rimini scusate non parlo inglese sono appassionato di ottica sia per vedere la natura che per osservare il cielo stellato ho 3 binocoli Kowa bd II xd 10x42, pentax papilio 8.5 x 21 , esslnb 12x50 e uno svbony 406p spotting scope spero di scambiare molte opinioni con tutti voi del forum

From Google Translate: Hello everyone my name is Cristian I am Italian from the province of Rimini sorry I do not speak English I am passionate about optics both to see nature and to observe the starry sky I have 3 binoculars Kowa bd II xd 10x42, pentax papilio 8.5 x 21, esslnb 12x50 and a svbony 406p spotting scope I hope to exchange many opinions with all of you of the forum
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Hi Camillo and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators. I've translated you posts as messages should be in English.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Hi, welcome to the forum. I think you will find us a friendly and helpful group.
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