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Red Kites In Essex (1 Viewer)


Essex birder living in Ireland
I was talking to someone at Abberton Reservoir a couple of months ago and he said there has been a Red Kite been spotted there a few times. And i was wondering if that was true and if there has been any other sightings of Kites in Essex

I've not heard of any sightings recently, but there was a little flurry of records last spring in that general area. Red Kite is still a notable bird in Essex, though, and right now there's nowhere (that I know of) to go and expect to see one. However with increasing numbers around the west side of London, and the odd breeding pair in Norfolk, they're likely to be seen more often.

If you really want to see one outside Essex, then have a day out in the Chilterns. Take a drive out along the M40 on a sunny day and turn off near Stokenchurch... you'll see loads!
Red Kite is a very difficult bird to pin down in the county as already said.

However, there have been single or pairs summering in the county in the past two years, one pair at Stebbing in the west of the county, the other ranging between Birch/Abbberton to Tiptree.

It takes a lot of luck, but late winter/early spring can be good. A good place to look for birds of prey in general is the Birch Estate/Birch Airfield, where Buzzards can be seen displaying from Feb onwards and a passage of raptors which include sprawks, buzzard, marsh harrier and occassionally red kite. One lookout is Pudding lane just past Birch School, but you will need a telescope.

But as David says if you can persuade someone to drive to Gigrin Farm in Wales or the M40 you are guaranteed of seeing Red Kite (and a Black Kite at Gigrin too at the moment) fairly close too.

Newport, near Saffron Walden is a regular place for red kite. They appear several times a year in East Herts, so more than likely they wander over the border. Presently though, just a chance encounter with no area actually holding regular birds.
I have recently bought a book listing birds displayed in Southend Museum in which the last date is 1922. It listed a Red Kite but interestingly, noted that the Essex name for a Red Kite is a Crutch-tailed Puttock!!
only up to Wat Tyler for a couple of hours. I can't make Tuesday but am planning to go on HV's walk at Rainham on Wednesday though.

Where are the Urchins on Saturday?
Got tonbridge at home,will get revenge for our 7-1 drubbing down there a month and a half ago,haven't lost since then so I think we will beat them
May go on the walk Wednesday as I was on baby duty but the missus is off work mow wednesday
Red Kite over Great Bardfield, Essex

I was talking to someone at Abberton Reservoir a couple of months ago and he said there has been a Red Kite been spotted there a few times. And i was wondering if that was true and if there has been any other sightings of Kites in Essex


I was visiting Great Bardfield in Essex last Sunday afternoon when a red Kite soared around for a while. This was a definite sighting viewed from reasonably close proximity and through binoculars. It is the is the first time I personally have ever seen a Red Kite in Essex.
Saw one the other week over Faulkbourne Hall near Witham. I hadn't seen one in Essex until about this time last year when I found one near Birch - since then I have seen several so they're about, it's just a matter of keeping your eyes open!
You're right Viv, Red Kites do seem to be everywhere around Essex this spring. Looking back over April, there are reports on the Essex Birding thread as well as this thread. I'm in little doubt that this is the largest ever influx of Red Kites into Essex (and neighbouring counties). I raised a question on Essex Birding about the origins of these birds and the reason(s) for their increase. On the Bird Forum 'Migration' thread, I summarised the issue, gave some statistics, and repeated the question. But, there has been no reply (so far).

I have just seen a red kite flying over Limebrook Farm along the A414, when I was driving back from Chelmsford towards Maldon, anyone else seen one round this area before?

I have just seen a red kite flying over Limebrook Farm along the A414, when I was driving back from Chelmsford towards Maldon, anyone else seen one round this area before?


Had one over the A12/A130 junction earlier in the year, not a million miles from there.
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