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Results from colour-ring reading (1 Viewer)

In the last few days, I have read 7 Black-headed Gull darvics and have got all of the results back All fine, but I had a hell of a job of getting the information from the new colour ringed birds website. I cannot get the search to work at all. I fill in the appropriate boxes and hit the 'apply' button but all I get back is the same boxes filled in but without the rest of the page, i.e. the start of the list of birds. The reset which I thought blanked out the boxes doesn't do anything but leaves what last used in the boxes. So, I did a manual search to find the schemes I wanted but unlike the old website (where you first selected the famliy, then the species, then the ring colour, then the number of digits and then all you had to do was look through any mutiple schemes), the species are in no particular order. For example, I was looking for Black-headed Gulls with a white darvic and 4 alphanumerics. I found one but it was the one commencing with 'N' but the next in the list was Herring Gull, so it was a trawl through a couple of pages looking for the next Black-headed Gull scheme with a white darvic. It took me an hour or so to find the schemes. I will not be able to report darvics any more at this rate, it is too time consuming. I was using I.E. and thought that might be the problem so tried Google Chrome browser and the situation was the same. I could not find a 'contact' button until today when I found someones name which I happened to notice was clickable. I will try and send an email. Overall, this is a very poor website compared to the old one. Anyone having such problems finding the right scheme or is it just my system/computer?
Overall, this is a very poor website compared to the old one. Anyone having such problems finding the right scheme or is it just my system/computer?

I couldn't agree more, Colin. I saved locally the old site - which was itself a pretty good example of how to not design a website - but 'lost' that in moving to a new computer. The new site is much less useful.

However it is something that Dirk does in his spare time and he's (probably) not a web designer.

I'm fortunate in that most birds(usually gulls) I see are from schemes that I know from the past - only if I get a new pattern do i have to struggle with the new site.

You could also ask on the yahoo group


I couldn't agree more, Colin. I saved locally the old site - which was itself a pretty good example of how to not design a website - but 'lost' that in moving to a new computer. The new site is much less useful.

However it is something that Dirk does in his spare time and he's (probably) not a web designer.

I'm fortunate in that most birds(usually gulls) I see are from schemes that I know from the past - only if I get a new pattern do i have to struggle with the new site.

You could also ask on the yahoo group



I have just got the search working. Although I tried the following earlier, it now seems to work. It seems that you have to put in the species name and then hit 'apply', then put in the colour of the darvic and then hit 'apply' and then put in the code and hit 'apply'. If you put in all the details in one go and hit 'apply' then it doesn't work but equally doesn't throw up an error message. I cannot get the 'reset' button to do anything but at least I have a working method to report rings now.
We've had a couple more colour ringed Herring Gulls over the last week or so.

1. At 4.00pm on Friday 2nd March 2012 a 1st winter Herring Gull with a yellow darvic bearing 1P28 on left leg was seen on Seaton Common, Zinc Works Road, Seaton Carew, nr. Hartlepool .

Ringed 29/10/2011 near Blackborough End, King's Lynn: 52°42'N 0°28'E (TF6714) (Norfolk)

2. Same time and location – a 2nd winter Herring Gull with a red darvic on it’s left leg bearing HR31.

Ringed at Pitsea Landfill Site, Essex on 21st Nov 2009
Three Leics/Rutland gull ring reading sessions in the last three days at Albert Village, Rutland Water and Shawell have produced seven LBBs (six British ringed as far as I know, if you include Guernsey as Britain, and one untraced) five Black-headed Gulls (Denmark, two Poland, Italy, Cotswold WP) and three Common Gulls (two Germany and one Estonia).

Not a bad selection. So far this year three of us have had a total of 34 colour-ringed LBBs in the county plus 28 other gulls, and someone else passed me a nice record of a c-r Polish Caspian Gull at Rutland Water.


Following on from Steve's comment I have been keeping count of the number of CR BH Gulls at my local patch of Watermead CP, Leicester over the last few months and the figures have been quite impressive!
We have seen at least 14 different birds with birds recorded from Denmark, Norway, Germany, Holland, Spain, Poland and the Cotswolds Water ringing group.
Over the last week, we have also tried to read the ringed birds as well in the car park of the country park, and so far the results have included a bird from Finland and another from Lithuania!

Another good period of ring-reading with three of us amassing 15 LBBs, 2 GBBs, a Herring, 3 Commons and a Black-headed at Shawell and Albert Village over the last three days.

Plus a bird we tentatively identified as an adult Yellow-legged but with spindly washed out legs. This turned out to have been ringed as a hybrid, Yellow-legged x either Herring or LBB, at a nest in Holland last year.

Just got the results back from the Saltholme Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis report
Rung as a nestling on 25th May 2009 in the Parque Nacional de Donana, Spain
11/10/2009 seen outside Seville, Spain
1/12/2009 seen at the Parque Nacional de Donana, Spain
10/3/2011 seen outside Seville, Spain
7/12/2011 seen outside Seville, Spain
8/3/2012 first seen on Cowpen Marsh, Teesside
12/3/2012 ring read at RSPB Saltholme, Teesside
Hi Just come across this reply could you email/pm me the contact details so I can submit the 4 sightings , two at Holywell pond and 2 at St Mary's Island.
Many thanks

I've managed to read a dozen or so gulls over the last weekend or so - mainly North Thames Gull Group birds (ringed at either Pitsea or Rainham) but also a couple of Mike Marsh's Suffolk Herring Gulls. Also a lingering Norwegian 2cy Great Black-backed Gull yesterday, a Belgian Herring Gull and an adult Med Gull ringed near Antwerp, Belgium in 2006 (white ring with black letters - see http://medgull.free.fr/pages/codes.php for help with assigning your Med Gull rings!).

Also, while on the tip yesterday, the skilled cannon netters lucked out with presumably the first Kumlien's Gull to be ringed in Britain? More info at http://rothandb.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/kumliens-gull-too-hot-to-handle.html

Leicestershire's growing band of ring-readers, most of whom are BF members, have now passed the century mark of colour-ringed gulls for the year, 103 to be exact. And as nobody rings gulls anywhere near here all are quite long distance movements.

The 103 are made up of 62 LBBs, 18 Black-headeds, 10 Commons, 6 Herrings, 5 GBBs and single Caspian and Mediterranean.
Avocets have returned again to the Tees Marshes this year with 47 being the highest count. As of 2009 this was a new colony and to get an idea of where these 'new' birds were coming from we started a colour ringing project in 2010.

We had siblings return and breed last year and this year we have had two different siblings return plus the first bird of the scheme to be colour rung.

24th March 2012

EG25238 - Red/Blue left, Red/Red right
EG25239 - Yellow/Blue left, Lime/Orange right
Siblings 2/2 ringed on greenabella 31st May 2010

EG25229 - Yellow/Blue left, Lime/Niger right.
Ringed as one of a brood of 3 on Saline Lagoon 17th May 2010
Just receive a reply for a colour ringed Cormorant seen on a local reservoir on 30th March 2012.
Colour-ringed Cormorant orange CP3.

This individual (metal ring G1402) was ringed as a chick at Abberton Reservoir, Essex (OS TL9617) on the 14th May 2011.


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Avocets have returned again to the Tees Marshes this year with 47 being the highest count. As of 2009 this was a new colony and to get an idea of where these 'new' birds were coming from we started a colour ringing project in 2010.

We had siblings return and breed last year and this year we have had two different siblings return plus the first bird of the scheme to be colour rung.

24th March 2012

EG25238 - Red/Blue left, Red/Red right
EG25239 - Yellow/Blue left, Lime/Orange right
Siblings 2/2 ringed on greenabella 31st May 2010

EG25229 - Yellow/Blue left, Lime/Niger right.
Ringed as one of a brood of 3 on Saline Lagoon 17th May 2010

There's now five colour ringed Avocets here. All ringed locally, four in 2010 and one in 2011.
I received a reply this evening to another colour ringed Curlew I saw on Seaton Common on 8th April 2012.

RW OG was ringed (BTO ring FC48905) on 29th July 1991 at Seal Sands and aged as an 'adult' (first summer or older).*Prior to this winter RW OG was last recorded on 19th November 2009 when I observed it feeding at Seaton Common.* I've previously recorded this bird on only three occasions, twice on Bran Sands (14/12/00 & 12/09/07) and Seaton Common (13/12/00).


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Icelandic Black-tailed Godwits are on the move - out of 368 today at Crossness, 6 were colour-ringed and all new to the area. Two ringed in Iceland, one ringed in France and others from the UK according to these excellent links - http://limosa.no.sapo.pt/BTGodwit Key v4L.pdf and http://www.cr-birding.be/cr-BltailedGw.htm - that give you Blackwit ringing projects.

Photos of some of these birds at http://rothandb.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/bit-of-icelandic-colour.html.

Leics and Rutland but might be of wider interest.......

I have put together a summary of all the ring-reading in Leics and Rutland in the first three months of this year, along with the feedback of course. I have sent it out to the obvious people but if anyone else wants to have it just email or PM me.

It is mainly gulls but with a few other bits and pieces like ducks with nasal saddles, cormorants and so on.

Just had an email from Spain accepting two of my Audouin's Gull ring sightings as valid.

Only thing is I saw and reported them in 2003 !!!

Icelandic Black-tailed Godwits are on the move - out of 368 today at Crossness, 6 were colour-ringed and all new to the area. Two ringed in Iceland, one ringed in France and others from the UK according to these excellent links - http://limosa.no.sapo.pt/BTGodwit Key v4L.pdf and http://www.cr-birding.be/cr-BltailedGw.htm - that give you Blackwit ringing projects.

Photos of some of these birds at http://rothandb.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/bit-of-icelandic-colour.html.


Just found this thread after having a couple of colour ringed Blackwits locally on 26th and 30th April. From your first link I think I've found the ringers and have emailed them (Pete Potts being one of them). Now waiting to hear back.

Thanks for the link, pics of the 2 birds attached.


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