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Review of my Birding year 2021 (1 Viewer)

Original PaulE

Well-known member
United Kingdom
Part 1

Yes unbelievably there are 4 parts to this although one of them just covers our Holiday in Scotland!! Part 1 covers winter last year which was pretty much all local walks around my home in Mid-Sussex. Pretty much all you would expect in the area, the Highlights were the local Yellowhammers which I got close to a couple of times, the local Dungheap provided some highlights as well, mainly of the Wagtail variety!! I stalked the countryside most weekends it was hard work and the sightings were occasional and hard earned but I winkled out a few goodies, the pics are largely dependant on the weather as I am a birder turned photographer and do most things on camera using automatic settings !!
Part 1 is on the Blog at the link, lots of pictures and not much text!! Part 2 will follow in a couple of days!!



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So Part 2 of my Review of my Birding Year, the weather improved as did the pictures, possibly a causal link there! With lockdown lifted, travelled a bit further afield notably Bempton, sadly no Albatross for me :( but a fantastic trip anyway. Did a bit of Sea-watching and a few more trips out and about, Dungeness, Knepp etc

Lot's of pictures on the Blog at the link.



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The final part of my review of the year, is a brief recap of our Holiday to Scotland, luckily for us lockdown restrictions were lifted 2 days before we were due to travel and we were able to head north, lots of excellent scenery, some good birds and a hot tub, ( warning there is a picture of me in the hot tub) Anyway lots of pictures on the blog at the link below!!


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