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United Kingdom
Hello everyone, I'm lupin, currently living in central Portugal where one of our common birds in the garden is a hoopoe ! I call him Woodstock. What a funky little thing he is ! 😆
Welcome to Birdforum. I hope you enjoy your visits.

How lovely to have hoopoes in your garden.
Hi lupin
and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators. LOL Hoopoes sure are characters, aren't they... I love the name you've given him too!!

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Thankyou everyone, at the moment, i have 4 greenfinch nestlings in one garden, I did have a black redstart complete a nest in a horizontal drain pipe in a wall but she abandoned that, just as well as it was eye level with one of my dogs. Since seen a pair, nesting materials in their beaks but i don't know where they go and i have great tits feeding babies in the blue tit box. There are red legged partridge scooting around on the land and as our property is on an old river bank, we are elevated and lucky enough to see buzzards and sparrowhawks hurtling past the windows from time to time. Loving this life ! A couple of years ago, i picked up a newly hatched sparrow from the patio before the dogs got to it, and it was alive, so i hand reared it, named him Captain Jack and let him go when he was ready down in the garden where there are no dogs allowed, one of the best feelings ever ! 🥰
Hi, welcome to the forum. What a vibrant area and garden you have. Well done on hand rearing and then releasing the little one.
Hi, I'm afraid i owe everyone an apology, i posted a photo of a nest with babies for ID the other day, I hadn't read all the rules and regs up till then, so sorry everbody, it won't happen again 😟 I don't get much time to go online, looking after my husband who is bedridden with stage 4 cancer, he only has a few months left and his passion was birds of prey. He took in sick and injured birds, got them well and released back to nature asap. He also did some photography work for Nat. Geographic back in the day so i am trying to make his last days as interesting as i can for him by taking pictures of the birds we have around the property. Last year we started to get bullfinches, very uncommon here, love the serins and siskins and the long tailed tits, i'm only just getting started. I can only use my mobile phone camera, we still have my husbands proper cameras but i haven't got a clue how to use them and sadly, he can't tell me. So, i do what i can with what i have and thats that. I did put out some trail cams amd have some stills of our javali ( wild boar) and the odd fox or two but although we have deer from time to time, they seem to avoid the cameras ! Sorry, I'm waffling, bad habit of mine. Time to shut up i think ! 😆 xx
No worries Lupin.

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband, a very difficult time for you; it sounds like he had a very interesting life too. It sounds like you have a wonderful garden too. Very jealous of your Serins!!
Thankyou, so kind of you. We have 4 gardens, top level is my garden, low maintenance planted for birds bees and butterflies, Lower levels are my hubands oriental zen garden, with terracotta soldiers guarding a flat slate bridge over a pond, again, japonese shrubs and trees for birds and bees then theres an ornamental garden where we find the blackbirds like to nest, then through a hedge walkway to a small orchard with fruit and nut trees. We feel like millionairs here, the area is beautiful, we have a lot of land with what is now managed forests of english oaks and cork oaks, cherries and chestnuts. In the spring, there are loads of wild miniature daffodils everywhere, it just blows me away every year to see it. 2 years ago one of my dogs bought me a baby hedgehog and lft it on the doormat. It was freezing, February, and no sign of where he'd found it. We made him a little house ( I had to google everything on how to overwinter ) then as he grew, a bigger one then a 2 story one until eventually he was nearly up to release weight. My next plan was to train him to forage for himself so i turned the bbq outside dining room into a forest floor and put his house in there. He had earth, pine cones, planted shrubs, rocks puddles and branches to contend with. I still collected all his food from the gardens, insects, worms, beetles etc and released them all into the 'forest' I'd named him Pogle so of course this 16 square foot of forest was called Pogles Wood ! I know its corny ! Anyway, when i was happy that he was feeding himself properly and that he'd reached the right weight for release, I took him in his house with extra food and water over to another forest area away from people and other threats and released him. He left his house that night and that was that. I knew he'd make it as I'd seen how independant he'd been in his own little forest.🥲 I think that was one of the best 3 months I'd ever had 🥰

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