Hi, first off welcome to the forum. I just took a quick look at some of the available field trips. Wow! If I were still living in SE AZ I would be signing up for as many of those as I could. I would definitely be interested in the Carr/Ash Canyon, Patagonia Lake - possible Trogon could be there, Empire Ranch at Las Cienagas for Grassland Sparrows, Madera Canyon for hummingbirds and tanagers (flame-colored if they are still there); Paton Center - for more hummingbirds. Unless it is flooded out due to rains California Gulch is usually a good place for Five-striped sparrows. If Sherry Williamson is leading any of them, I would sign up. She definitely knows not only hummingbirds but birds of SE AZ.
Tips - be ready for rain if there is a good monsoon, and if you go out on your own and it rains definitely don’t go through the washes - they can flood in an instant.
Honestly in case you have specific target birds almost all of them look great.