rabid twitcher
The trip is not yet over, but as we are now sitting on the shore of Kadıncık Barajı waiting for the Brown Fish Owl to come get her some fish, it's a good time to do some reporting.
So far we have recorded 191 species, which is only 2 shy of our best ever WP trip to Georgia and Armenia 3 years ago. It's even more surprising considering that we are now mostly mammalwatchers and thus spend most mornings sleeping, because we stayed up late at night for mammals. It's either because this area is really good, we are getting better or that the trip is simply long.
For this trip we basically had 11 targets and the only thing remaining is the owl.To see 7 of the birds we needed just 2 birding days - birding is somehow really easy here!
We already drove almost 5000 kms, the reason for that will ve soon obvious. The car from Cizgi has a problematic tire that sometimes slowly loses pressure, but other than that it has held up nicely. Sleeping outside has been mostly fine, but we have been twice asked to leave by Jandarma, once in Hatay province and once in Van province, both somewhat problematic areas. When I asked in Van what the danger was, the policeman told me, using google translate (the standard way to talk here) that it's "smuggling and terrorism" which has become the tagline of the trip and I have been saying mostly that ever since. We had also one non-camping problem, surprisingly near Silifke, far from any trouble, when the Jandarma called the rental company because "the car was parked in a deserted place at night". No shit Sherlocks, that's where we go look for the mammals ...
So far we have recorded 191 species, which is only 2 shy of our best ever WP trip to Georgia and Armenia 3 years ago. It's even more surprising considering that we are now mostly mammalwatchers and thus spend most mornings sleeping, because we stayed up late at night for mammals. It's either because this area is really good, we are getting better or that the trip is simply long.
For this trip we basically had 11 targets and the only thing remaining is the owl.To see 7 of the birds we needed just 2 birding days - birding is somehow really easy here!
We already drove almost 5000 kms, the reason for that will ve soon obvious. The car from Cizgi has a problematic tire that sometimes slowly loses pressure, but other than that it has held up nicely. Sleeping outside has been mostly fine, but we have been twice asked to leave by Jandarma, once in Hatay province and once in Van province, both somewhat problematic areas. When I asked in Van what the danger was, the policeman told me, using google translate (the standard way to talk here) that it's "smuggling and terrorism" which has become the tagline of the trip and I have been saying mostly that ever since. We had also one non-camping problem, surprisingly near Silifke, far from any trouble, when the Jandarma called the rental company because "the car was parked in a deserted place at night". No shit Sherlocks, that's where we go look for the mammals ...