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Searching for the European Roller in Italy (1 Viewer)


Artist and Amateur Avian Aficionado
United States
Hello! This is my first time posting to this forum, I'm excited to become a part of this community.

I will be studying abroad in Orvieto, Italy from March to June. I will be spending most of my time in class, but I have a list of "target" birds I would like to try and find in my free time. My number one most-wanted is the European Roller. I'm having trouble figuring out where to find them. I've been told that Orbatello or Grosseto is probably my best chance, but unfortunately, those are a little too far away from anywhere I'll be traveling.

I'll be spending most of my time in Orvieto, but after classes end in June I will be traveling to Mugnanese (specifically Lago Trasimeno), Florence, Rome, Cinque Terre, and Venice. Could anyone recommend places I could look for the Roller near any of these destinations?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Hello Kylee. Rollers shouldn't be too difficult. You don't need to go the coast and tbh I can't remember seeing any between Grosseto and Orbetello, but we do have them here in the Val d'Orcia area. Will you have a car? Anyway drop me a PM and we can arrange something.
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