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Short UK trip end Sept - advice sought (1 Viewer)

Hi folks

It's a big birthday this year and my better half is trying to convince me that I should make some effort to do something special for it, I usually keep it very quiet.

So, I'm just looking for any recommendations for a short trip in the UK (3 days or so) around the end of September. I'm hoping folks might be able to suggest somewhere that will be well worth visiting at that time of year. We don't travel much but we had a trip to Rye booked in spring 2020, a sewing course for my wife and I would potter around the coast/nature reserves during the day. We were due to go and then lockdown was announced.

Anyway, my main criteria are:
  • Coastal. Somewhere striking with plenty to sea (birds, sea mammals etc). Rugged, flat, pretty or bleak I don't mind. Boat trips optional, not something I am used to but it might be nice.
  • Somewhere that has some other stuff to see/do. Nothing major but the opportunity to go out for some vegan food, walks, maybe an interesting shop or two but nothing built up or busy.
  • Ideally no more than 4 hours drive or within easy public transport links of Somerset.
Cornwall or Norfolk, Norwich is a fine city and the East coast / Broads are well worth exploring but you could fine somewhere remote in either county.
Norfolk and Cornwall would be my preferred recommendations too
However, the north coast of Norfolk must be the best part of 6 hours from Somerset.
Maybe the Cornish valleys, etc. would be a good fit for your travel criteria ?
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Thank you both, any specific destinations people have in mind would be welcome.

East coast would be nice. I haven't been there on holiday since I was a child, but yes, quite a hike.
We had a week in Hayle before the Winter lockdown but I wouldn't be adverse to exploring Cornwall more.
This is my personal view and others might have had a different experience.

I find birding in Norfolk a little easier than Cornwall.
More obvious observer coverage of the hot spots and a greater desire to share information. Maybe take a longer trip (7 days) to make worth the extra effort.

Don't get me wrong, I have seen some great birds in Cornwall and enjoyed trips there regularly - I just prefer Norfolk.

And here’s a thought, depending on finances, why not a few days on Scilly ?
Maybe try the New Forest / Solent area. You have the coast at Hengistbury head, Hurst Castle, Keyhaven / Pennington / Normandy Marshes, or Lepe, Calshot. Mostly flat and open, with good walks, and views of the Isle of Wight / Needles. plenty to explore in the New Forest too.
Best of the birding is usually the Keyhaven to Normandy stretch

Or further West, Portland, Weymouth and the Purbecks.
Maybe try the New Forest / Solent area. You have the coast at Hengistbury head, Hurst Castle, Keyhaven / Pennington / Normandy Marshes, or Lepe, Calshot. Mostly flat and open, with good walks, and views of the Isle of Wight / Needles. plenty to explore in the New Forest too.
Best of the birding is usually the Keyhaven to Normandy stretch

Or further West, Portland, Weymouth and the Purbecks.
I would agree that New Forest and west Solent is a great place, although I know that many find it difficult to find the species they are looking for.
Purbeck and Portland is perhaps a more varied environment and if you include Poole harbour, the new 'super' reserve around Arne and Brownsea island it is hard to beat for a three day trip and there is often something special at Portland at this time of year.
Sheppey, I remember seeing something recently about a fabulous place to stay within a reserve. Bonus being my wife was born there so extra comedy value! As for Dungeness, good shout as I've always meant to go there after seeing pictures of Derek Jarman's garden. Kent sounds like a good choice but would have to try and avoid a visit to the m-i-l (Chatham)!

When I was doing a bit of birding 20ish years ago (before picking it up again in the last year) I was living in Bournemouth so spent many an early Sunday at Arne before heading to the Square and Compass at Worth Matravers. Also boat trips around Poole Harbour, Purbecks etc. Bought my first binoculars at Radipole Lake, Weymouth and saw a Bittern there that afternoon! Didn't venture to the New Forest much but I've been to Hengistbury Head a few times. Not been back that way since leaving for Bristol in 2005 so another good idea, thank you.

Scilly would be lovely but I think a bit extravagant for this trip, one to pencil in for the future. Pembrokeshire, interesting.... been there on holiday many times and it is beautiful, I would need to look into good areas.

Thanks all, it's really helpful getting these ideas....
Lots of good suggestions I agree, but given your Somerset base I would have thought Devon has plenty to offer both birding wise and for other stuff you mention in your initial post, without going too far. I often consult this site which gives a good idea of the variety of sites it's blessed with: www.devonbirds.org There are regular birding boat trips around the Exe estuary too for good views of waders etc.
For interesting shops and alternative food outlets I believe Totnes is a good bet: Totnes - Visit South Devon
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