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Some from Andulucia Spain for I.D. or confirmation (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
These were taken October 2011 in Andulucia.
No1 Stone or Whinchat?
No2 Spotless Starling?
No3 Chiffchaff?


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Looks as though No3 will remain a mystery as I only have the one Photo.
Three more for I.D.
No4 Black or Common Redstart?
No5 Black Wheatear?
No6 Rock Sparrow?


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Many female S.Sparrows show a rather subtle "shadow" of the male's streaking on breast sides/flanks - though a really clear photo or view is necessary to see it usually. The bill on this bird doesn't look very deep so I would go for House Sparrow.
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