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South Llano River State Park warbler help (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I took this picture at South Llano River State park 1 month ago. Merlin app could not decide between Orange-crowned, Virginia's, Nashville or macgillivrays warbler. I don't think it is the last one and am thinking a Nashville immature but the wings look grayer than the pictures suggest. can anyone help me on this? the gray wings and slight yellow around the eyes are throwing me.
thank you_Q2A3744.jpg_Q2A3746.jpg
The back and wings look more grey than yellow on mine, that is why I questioned the orange- crowned. Thanks

There is invariably a “degree” of plumage variability with warbler species md2. and can often look somewhat different, particularly with plain toned birds under diffuse lighting.
OCW is a “Vermivora” species showing as in your bird, a curved pointy mandible a good structural feature.

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