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delia todd

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Just wondering if anyone can suggest what may have happened.

I shut down my computer last night in the normal way, no problems. However, when I went to plug it in and switch on this morning, the power light came on and the light to the external hard drive, but it was completely unresponsive to pressing the start button. Tried many times; there was some warmth coming out of one of the air vents.

Had other issues with my laptop, but eventually got that working. Moved the table with the computer (a Portus AIO) to another position in the room and started on my laptop.

Then I plugged the computer into the socket beside it. And it fired up immediately. Moved it back to the original position and again it fired up and is working fine now.
If it remains a one off, I would just ignore it. If it happens again I would contact the supplier, I'm assuming your new computer is under warranty. Fiddling about with trying to fix things yourself when things are under warranty is just giving them room to wiggle out of covering you.
Yeah. Thanks guys.

I don't 'fiddle' with 'puters. Apart from checking the connections are in order. I've left a message with the suppliers and am waiting for them to call back. Nearly cancelled it, but thought I'd chat with them about it.
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