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Swallow-tailed Manakin Iguazu Argentina May 13 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Can someone please identify these birds? I believe them to be female Swallow-tailed Manakins. Taken in Iguazu Argentina May 13


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They look like female-type manakins, and, given the location and dark iris, are presumably either swallow-tailed manakin or white-bearded manakin (or juvenile band-tailed manakin?). The pinkish on the bill of some may indicate that swallow-tailed manakin is the more likely.
They look like female-type manakins, and, given the location and dark iris, are presumably either swallow-tailed manakin or white-bearded manakin (or juvenile band-tailed manakin?). The pinkish on the bill of some may indicate that swallow-tailed manakin is the more likely.
not band-tailed (e.g. dark eye). White-bearded for me: dark bill ("pinkish" I feel is reflected highlights); orange cf pink feet, tail feather shape with no protruding central tail feathers. I'm unclear whether the tail feather shape we see here (pointed asymmetrical tips) indicates an immature male. Most ebird photos identified as female show rounded tail feather tips.
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