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First the BOU Records Committee, now Richard Klim, where will it end?
Many thanks Richard for the thousands of postings over the year, you were a great source of information and will be sorely missed. I do hope the departure is not illness related, and all the best.
Thanks for the kind thoughts.

I've been largely deskbound, struggling with cancer since Jul 2014 (with various surgical procedures, chemotherapy, radiotherapy) and BF has provided a wonderful way for me to remain engaged with ornithology throughout.

However, in recent days it's become clear that my basic faculties are no longer up to it, with even the simplest posts requiring several attempts before success.

But I'll certainly continue to lurk with undiminished interest for as long as physically possible... ;)
Thanks for the kind thoughts.

I've been largely deskbound, struggling with cancer since Jul 2014 (with various surgical procedures, chemotherapy, radiotherapy) and BF has provided a wonderful way for me to remain engaged with ornithology throughout.

However, in recent days it's become clear that my basic faculties are no longer up to it, with even the simplest posts requiring several attempts before success.

But I'll certainly continue to lurk with undiminished interest for as long as physically possible... ;)

Thanks Richard. Always a voice of reason and moderation. I hope your lurking proves entertaining.
That's incredibly sad to read, Richard. You have put an extraordinary amount of time and effort into the taxonomy forum, and of course we mostly just took it all for granted. Many thanks for all your posts, and I'm sure we all forgive you for some of the more dreadful puns on the site!

All the best.

Many thanks Richard for everything you have done over the years. You are a very fine person, good luck and all the best.
My thanks too.

I tend to be a lurker myself, and your contributions on this subforum are one of the main reasons I use Birdforum.

You will be missed indeed, probably by many more than you may realise.
There little I can add to all those words written before.

Dear Richard, your contributions were second to none and Always with enthousiasme ans devotion.

You will be greatly missed.

Fred Ruhe
Dear Richard,

What I can say... You were a mine of information, full of enthusiasm and commitment! Many thanks for this all! It will be difficult to get used to your absence on the forum.

All the best

So sorry to hear that Richard, your contributions have been quite superb.

I am not sure what to say but all the best and good fortune to you.

The very best of regards

Thanks for the kind thoughts.

I've been largely deskbound, struggling with cancer since Jul 2014 (with various surgical procedures, chemotherapy, radiotherapy) and BF has provided a wonderful way for me to remain engaged with ornithology throughout.

However, in recent days it's become clear that my basic faculties are no longer up to it, with even the simplest posts requiring several attempts before success.

But I'll certainly continue to lurk with undiminished interest for as long as physically possible... ;)

Richard I can't believe it. I think of you.
Hi Richard,

thanks for all the support in the past years. I can understand that your health has the highest priority and so I wish you all the luck on earth.

All the best,

Thanks for all the help, time, advice etc you have given to so many people over the years.

My thoughts are with you and yours.

Take care.
The PMs and posts I shared with you and my appreciation of your considered and thought-provoking views comprise a highlight in my eighth decade, and for that I feel enriched. Thank you.
PS Loved your bad puns - almost as dreadful as mine!
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