Hi Holger:
Good question; thank you for reading my write-up. My understanding of the answer involves several subtleties at play. First, TIR only occurs at the final interface between the n1 layer and the air, so that is the only location where the p- and s-orientations can "directly" acquire a phase offset. Because things have been tuned to get this TIR at a larger angle than it would be in an uncoated prism, we've already secured some reduction in phase offset, but clearly we have not driven it to zero. It should be noted that more than one reflection occurs there, however: light coming up off that final boundary will first encounter the n1/n2 interface, where some partial reflection must occur, so some light will undergo TIR again (and some of that a third time, and so on), so the net phase shift between the p- and s-components for the grand sum of TIR light will be different from what it would be if there was only one boundary. Second, all of this light which acquired a TIR induced phase offset obviously must be added to all the light that never saw TIR, so any final reduction in the net phase offset must result from this. None of that light will have gotten any net p- vs s- phase offset, and whatever total final phase it has will be a function of the layer thicknesses, angles, and wavelength. But upon addition with the TIR light, the resulting phases can add up such that s- and p- end up very similar (I am envisioning a case of the TIR light having p- leading s- by say a quarter wave, but the non-TIR light phase for both components at an eight wave back, in between them; sum them up and it will help "pull" the s- and p- phases together.) Hence the strong dependence of phase shift on total layer thickness in figure 4(b) of post III, or figure 13 of the PDF article.
The only other way I can see in which some differential phase offset might be accrued would be to have some of the partial reflections occur below Brewster's angle and some above. Below Brewster, the p-component would get a 180 degree phase shift while the s- would not. This would have some effect on the final phase offset, but I do not know if any coating designs try to make use of it. For the specific example here, all of the incidence angles for the partial transmission exceed Brewster's angle, so I don't see that affecting anything.
When I first sat down with this problem, I tried to work it out in the most simple manner possible, starting with the transmission and reflection coefficients at each interface individually and then adding them up, with the idea of seeing exactly where all the action was happening, so to speak. But such an approach failed to reproduce the results in the Mauer paper, and got ugly fast, so I gave up on that. I then set up the problem in terms of transfer matrices, and the correct answer literally popped right out. The matrix approach handles all the higher order stuff automatically. So what might seem to be only second order effects from multiple reflections would seem to be key in getting the net phase offset dialed down.