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Probably my best year of birding since I started, with a few personal milestones and birding goals included, so forgive me if I do more than just the top 5 and talk a bit of my favorite moments of the year.
Top 5 Birds:
Top 5 Birds:
- Guianan Cock-of-the Rock (lek and nest) in Cock-of-the-Rock Trail, Guyana
- Capuchinbird (lek) in Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana
- Chestnut-naped Antpitta in Reserva Zuro Loma, Ecuador
- Lanceolated Monklet in Rio Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
- Black-footed Albatross in Westport, Washington
- Giant Anteater in Caiman House Field Station, Guyana
- Orca in Port Angeles, Washington
- Giant River Otter in Burro Burro River
- Northern Right Whale Dolphin in Westport, Washington
- Hoary Marmot in Mt. Rainier, Washington
- Black Caiman in Caiman House Field Station, Guyana
- Giant Earthworm in Bella Vista Cloud Forest Lodge, Ecuador
- Bullet Ant in Rio Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
- Dwarf Caiman sp. in Burro Burro River
- American Crocodile in Everglades National Park, Florida
- Guyana in February
- Mega target picking day around Atta Lodge, we pretty much went from spot to spot around the lodge grounds and main road to see of the best birds of the region. Highlights included seeing all 5 possible Potoo species of Guyana within 24 hours, seeing 2 white sand forest specialties within 10 minutes of each other (Black Manakin and Olivaceous Schiffornis), a calling Pelzen's Tody-Tyrant out in the open, and seeing/hearing 3 different owl species while having dinner (Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl, Black-banded and Crested Owl).
- Highway to hell, not what you'd expect as a highlight day since it was just driving from the savanna interior back to the capital by the coast, but being able to connect with some of our missing targets in the few stops we made was amazing, these included walking next to a Giant Anteater for nearly 30 minutes, me getting the only Sooty-capped Hermit of the trip in a gas stop, connecting with our 2 missing white sand specialties in Bronzy Jacamar and Rufous-crowned Elaenia, and after 5 different dips in 3 different locations, I finally saw and photographed wild Gray-winged Trumpeters crossing the road.
- Washington State in August
- First West Coast pelagic and got everything I could hope for and more, over a dozen lifers including Black-footed Albatross, all three species of Jaeger, breeding plumage Sabine's Gull, seeing both Leach's Storm-Petrel and Buller's Shearwater at the same time through the bins, and, though not a lifer, seeing 3 Tufted Puffins. Mammal experience further boosted the moment with breaching Humpback Whales, Northern Right Whale Dolphins and Pacific White-sided Dolphins playing in the surf of the boat, and briefly seeing a Northern Fur Seal before diving beneath the waves.
- Morning of birding around Winthrop, saw my main targets on this point of the trip in the forms of Dusky Grouse and Lewis's Woodpecker, with a nice supporting cast that included Pygmy Nuthatch, Red-naped Sapsucker and a surprise Black Swift.
- Mindo, Ecuador in October
- Milestone 1,000 in Refugio Paz de las Aves while waiting for breakfast in the form of White-throated Daggerbill, seeing and photographing all 5 Antpittas (Yellow-breasted, Ochre-breasted, Giant, Scaled and Chestnut-crowned), owling to get greats views of Lyre-tailed Nightjar, and and having a mega flock of over 40 species obviously helped.
- Difficult choice between Rio Silanche and Amagusa, but Amagusa won out because of how many great shots I got of the regional endemic tanagers, seeing a Black Solitaire in the middle of the road as my first bird of the day, plus being able to connect with Choco Vireo and Cloud-forest Pygmy-Owl were unexpected surprises. The afternoon birding in Guayabillas road, including being the first birder to hike a new trail through a private Choco reserve helped to get me connected with Brown-billed Scythebill, Yellow-green and Scarlet-and-white Tanager, Black-tipped Cotinga and hearing my first Wattled Guans.
- South Florida (Local patch)
- Amazing fall migration in late October through a city park in a walk I guided. Seeing over 70 species, including over 15 warbler species, all expected bunting/grosbeak species, plus I found and connected with a nemesis bird in the form of Wood Thrush.
- Middle of November, got my first century day in the US by birding Everglades National Park and park entrance. Some of the highlights included my first state record of Western Tanager, all possible wintering flycatchers in South Florida, a surprise lifer with a pair of American Pipit, and to end the day, I had a King Rail cross the road in front of the car on the way out of the park.