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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Used Nikon ED50 (1 Viewer)


Active member

I have found a used good condition Nikon ED50 with 13-40 eyepiece for £250
Just wondering if they are still a good scope compared to more modern ones.
I have a max budget of £500.
I want something portable for use on walks with my son so needs to be under a kilo and with a zoom eyepiece.

If everything is in good condition I’d say that is a good deal and a very useable kit, even compared to a lot of today’s offerings. Not the widest view, but should be sharp. Only downside is the body needs care as there is a joint that could break with too much impact, and historically the q/r plate thread could be troublesome if it has been overtightened and stripped in the past. I love mine.
You can get a 16x and/or a 27x fixed e/p later if you want.
I really like the 16x, a lovely wide bright view that's good for monopod or hand holding or on a shoulder stock
The one I was looking at sold.
They had another one that had 13-40 and 27 DS eye piece.
Didn't like the green colour so wrapped it in some scope camo tape.
Very pleased with it so far optically.
Son has commented how sharp and clear the image is.
Hoping it will provide many more years of service :)
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