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What eyepiece do I have? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I can see that it says 24/30 wf so believe it is a wide angle ep but it doesn’t say MC or ds on it. Based on some messaging with a respected bf member, he believes it is an early edition wide angle ep without the rotating cup but based on the colors reflecting, green and various other colors, that it is also fully multi coated for improved light transmission. The zoom lens and the ED2 reflect blue and purple, so he says they are not fully MC.

can you confirm this and let me know if this is considered a good ep? How will it perform on a fs82?


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As you and the member you messaged with said, it's an early 24/30x wide angle. I used to have the exact same one and now have a DS version (which is significantly larger/heavier) and the performance is very similar. I'm not sure about the timeline with Nikon multi-coating vs adding twist-up eye cups but I wouldn't worry... You have a great eyepiece for both the 60 & 82mm fieldscopes.
Ok, thanks guys. Just wanted to make sure I understood what I had. Is not as easy to find this particular ep. this will be a 30x in my new 82, is there another WF, wide angle lens that is less than 30 power, such as 18 or 20? The zoom will go to 25 but with a narrow fov. I might be interested in a lower mag, wide fov fixed ep
Essex Boy has it summed up, a x 30 MC wide would be a great choice but they hardly come up for sale. Alternatively lower magnification DS lens may still be around but these were primarily designed for digiscoping.
I ask about the lower power due to my desire to increase the exit pupil and amount of light transmission. I have a cabin with a game feeder about 125 yards away. Animals come out at or near dark and I like to watch them. A 3ox w a 60mm ed2 is a tiny 2x exit pupil. With the 82 it is better but still less than ideal for evening viewing.
There is a 20/25x that looks like its from the same generation as your 24/30, but as said above it's not labeled as a "wide field"... Although its FOV is noticeably larger than that of the zoom.

I thought I saw a 15/19x on ebay not long ago... Yep, here it is: Nikon FS #7772 eyepiece fieldscope 15x/19x Low Power wide Angle Open Box REDUCE | eBay
I did not see specs listed on the Nikon site linked above though.

I would try out your new 82 with the 24/30x... The difference between that and 20/25 wont be huge and you will probably like the 30 just fine at that distance.
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I would try out your new 82 with the 24/30x... The difference between that and 20/25 wont be huge and you will probably like the 30 just fine at that distance.
I agree, that 19x is interesting but given it is not a wide angle, it is A little less appealing but still of some interest. But, as you say, I need to play with the new scope first, once it arrives. Thanks for the help
I can see that it says 24/30 wf so believe it is a wide angle ep but it doesn’t say MC or ds on it. Based on some messaging with a respected bf member, he believes it is an early edition wide angle ep without the rotating cup but based on the colors reflecting, green and various other colors, that it is also fully multi coated for improved light transmission. The zoom lens and the ED2 reflect blue and purple, so he says they are not fully MC.
It's the first version of the 24/30x. Not fully multicoated, but the difference is negligible in real life (I've got that version and the two later versions of that eyepiece).
can you confirm this and let me know if this is considered a good ep? How will it perform on a fs82?
Good eyepiece. And yes, it will work well on the 82.

“It's the first version of the 24/30x. Not fully multicoated, but the difference is negligible in real life (I've got that version and the two later versions of that eyepiece).”

Ok, I liked jring’s answer better, lol. Though interesting that the difference would be negligible
For the sake of comparison I just snapped a few quick, hand-held photos with my phone, through my 82A with three different eyepieces. I wish I had an adapter for the phone or a camera but I don't, yet. All three photos were taken from my porch, looking at an empty heron's nest that stands maybe 150 meters away, in a snag that sits in the middle of our pond. Each photo of the nest is preceded by a photo of the eyepiece through which it was taken. So first is 25x (not labeled as wide angle), second is 30x wide, digiscope eyepiece, and third is 38x wide, standard eyepiece.



Nice pics, thanks for sharing. Interesting to see the differences between the various ep’s. My new 82 arrives Monday.
I thought I saw a 15/19x on ebay not long ago... Yep, here it is: Nikon FS #7772 eyepiece fieldscope 15x/19x Low Power wide Angle Open Box REDUCE | eBay
I did not see specs listed on the Nikon site linked above though.
A bit more on the 15/19x eyepiece:

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