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What makes Bhutan unique (1 Viewer)

Bhutan is a small country in the Himalayas between the Tibet Autonomous Region of China and India. Besides the stunning natural scenery, the enduring image of the country for most visitors is the strong sense of culture and tradition that binds the kingdom and clearly distinguishes it from its larger neighbors. Bhutan is the only Vajrayana Buddhist nation in the world, and the profound teachings of this tradition remain well preserved and exert a strong influence in all aspects of life. Due to its pristine environment and harmonious society, the tiny Kingdom of Bhutan has been called "The Last Shangrila."

Monks from BhutanBhutan has been enchanting visitors since the 17th century. Those original visitors were a few in number as a visit to Bhutan entailed hardship and required an adventurous spirit. Even today tourists are a few in number, often seeking to satisfy the same urge for an adventure that their predecessors experienced. In today's world of homogenized cultures and contrived re-enactments of outgrown traditions, Bhutan's pure and genuine cultural heritage is a priceless jewel. Come, see, explore and discover it for yourself.

Bhutan has been enchanting visitors since the 17th century. Those original visitors were a few in number as a visit to Bhutan entailed hardship and required an adventurous spirit. Even today tourists are a few in number, often seeking to satisfy the same urge for an adventure that their predecessors experienced. In today's world of homogenized cultures and contrived re-enactments of outgrown traditions, Bhutan's pure and genuine cultural heritage is a priceless jewel. Come, see, explore and discover it for yourself.

  • Situated in the higher ranges of the Eastern Himalayas.
  • The world's last remaining Mahayana Buddhist kingdom.
  • A land, two-thirds of which is still covered with rich virgin forest.
  • A land of peace and tranquility set in a magnificent mountainous landscape with snow-covered peaks, rushing rivers, deep tree-covered valleys, and broad alpine pastures ยง One of the last countries in the world to open its doors to visitors.
  • Mass tourism does not happen here! The relatively few visitors feel privileged to experience a rich culture and a simple way of life still untouched by the hustle and bustle of the twenty-first century.

View attachment Bhutan Mask Dance 1.JPGWhy come to Bhutan?​

Bhutan's beautiful unspoiled and pristine landscape, ancient Buddhist culture, and people will enchant you. Trekkers will find an alternative to the overcrowded trails of Nepal. You will be impressed with the country's traditional architecture and abundant wildlife. (Herds of yaks graze in its high-country valleys, and blue sheep and Black-necked cranes can sometimes be spotted in its farthest reaches.) Others can find pleasure in the elaborate Tsechus (religious festivals) that are held throughout the year at various Dzongs (fortress monasteries). The air and the environment are not polluted and there are no crowds. Nearly everyone who visits Bhutan will be awed by the unsurpassed majesty of the Himalayas.View attachment stony_4179.JPG
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