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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Which one to upgrade first, binoculars or spotting scope? (4 Viewers)

Strange you don’t get the Zeiss Victory SF or SFL. The 8x32 SF is probably what I’d get in 32mm format. In 42mm, the NL Pure.

Swarovski crippled the EL SV in close-focus when the NL Pure came out. Getting the pre-FieldPro version guarantees close focus. I have both the EL SV ore-FieldPro and the NL Pure, the improvements are major and well worth the price diff in my book.

The Nikon EDG is very good, but one of the heaviest in its class. The Canon 10x42L IS is also very heavy.
The hi-end binoculars market is not very big here. Most of them are cheapo ones that sell well. I guess a few local shops import directly from the manufacturers. They used to have SF models but now out of stock and no signs of them available soon. I have not seen SFL here either which is strange. May be the covid19 make the business slow.

If I can get the EL FieldPro 8x42 new for $1600-1700, is a saving worth a sacrifices for the close focus, wider FOV and other things compared to the NL Pure?

Reading in the forums, SLC8x42 seems really nice except not a flat field, 3.2m close focus and maybe slow focussing. In fact how much a flat field can benefit birding in a woods where there a not many straight geometry objects? Also how much 3d vision lost compared to a non flat field?

The hi-end binoculars market is not very big here. Most of them are cheapo ones that sell well. I guess a few local shops import directly from the manufacturers. They used to have SF models but now out of stock and no signs of them available soon. I have not seen SFL here either which is strange. May be the covid19 make the business slow.

If I can get the EL FieldPro 8x42 new for $1600-1700, is a saving worth a sacrifices for the close focus, wider FOV and other things compared to the NL Pure?

Reading in the forums, SLC8x42 seems really nice except not a flat field, 3.2m close focus and maybe slow focussing. In fact how much a flat field can benefit birding in a woods where there a not many straight geometry objects? Also how much 3d vision lost compared to a non flat field?

Flat field's main advantage is in astronomy, when everything is effectively at infinity.

For birding, flat field is only relevant when there is a large group of birds at the same distance to the observer. If the birds are mostly solo or in small groups it makes no difference.

3D is related to the distance between the objectives. Wider = more 3D. Nothing to do with flat field. And also relevant only at short-moderate distances, at long distance there is essentially no 3D perception.

Close focus is dependent on what/how you observe. For insects and flowers it is invaluable, for birds that fly away when you approach, maybe not a big deal.
I should update my situation a bit. I went to try the SLC 8x42, EL 8.5x42, and NL 8x42 today. To my eyes, NL has the best image quality, followed by EL and SLC. The SCL has slightly more CA at the edge in extreme conditions (black object on bright/white background.). They are all much better than the Viper 8x42 I have. I don't see the benefit of the flat field that much from my test. I also don't feel that much benefit from a much wider FOV of the NL. The SLC has an inferior focusing wheel (slow and not the same amount of force required in each direction) compared to the EL and NL and I like to focus feel of the EL most. I have a strange feeling when holding the NL as I have to hold it near the end instead of closer to the middle like the others. I am not sure if I like it. I do not have any problems with the slow pan on any of them. I didn't see the 3D wow effect from SLC that much (from reading in the forum) compared to the EL and NL. I also tried the Zeiss HT 8x42 and put it down after 30 seconds. The image is much less clear compared to the others. Maybe this copy is a lemon. I also try the 8x32 Conquest HD and although it has a better image compared to the Monarch 8x30 I have, I am not sure if I want to spend money for not that much-improved vision.

I think I like either SLC or EL as NL is less comfortable in my hands. Now I have to think very hard if I want to spend $2-3K for an upgrade with that much improvement. I guess I chicken out a bit as it is a very large amount of money for me for a pair of binoculars. Are there any reputable shops that sell a new EL8.5x42 for less than $2,000 (to bring the gap smaller for the price of the SLC)? Also if I don't want to go all the way to the alphas yet, are there anything in between this SLC/EL/NL and the poor Vipers? I cannot try Nikon HG in-store to compare with the Conquest HD.

Thanks again for all of your suggestions, really appreciated them very much,

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If your holding your spotting scope together with duct tape you should obviously replace that first . Your binoculars are in one piece and are good mid level binos so those should wait . For a $2000 budget i would buy a kowa 77 . And since you have a bh zoom i would buy the astro adapter by alpine astronomical for $44 and use that eyepiece in the scope since you already have a really good eyepiece in that baader.
@Passakorn, great work! Trying is the best way to figure things out.
Your thoughts on the EL and SLC mirror my experience. I wonder if Kahles Helia remade the SLC with a better focus wheel. If the Opticron Aurora is a possibility for you ($1K range), I would certainly recommend reading on it and checking it out. The early Field Pro / pre-Field Pro EL models that have been recommended above by other forum members are also great choices if you can try before buying. All the best!

I should update my situation a bit. I went to try the SLC 8x42, EL 8.5x42, and NL 8x42 today. To my eyes, NL has the best image quality, followed by EL and SLC. The SCL has slightly more CA at the edge in extreme conditions (black object on bright/white background.). They are all much better than the Viper 8x42 I have. I don't see the benefit of the flat field that much from my test. I also don't feel that much benefit from a much wider FOV of the NL. The SLC has an inferior focusing wheel (slow and not the same amount of force required in each direction) compared to the EL and NL and I like to focus feel of the EL most. I have a strange feeling when holding the NL as I have to hold it near the end instead of closer to the middle like the others. I am not sure if I like it. I do not have any problems with the slow pan on any of them. I didn't see the 3D wow effect from SLC that much (from reading in the forum) compared to the EL and NL. I also tried the Zeiss HT 8x42 and put it down after 30 seconds. The image is much less clear compared to the others. Maybe this copy is a lemon. I also try the 8x32 Conquest HD and although it has a better image compared to the Monarch 8x30 I have, I am not sure if I want to spend money for not that much-improved vision.

I think I like either SLC or EL as NL is less comfortable in my hands. Now I have to think very hard if I want to spend $2-3K for an upgrade with that much improvement. I guess I chicken out a bit as it is a very large amount of money for me for a pair of binoculars. Are there any reputable shops that sell a new EL8.5x42 for less than $2,000 (to bring the gap smaller for the price of the SLC)? Also if I don't want to go all the way to the alphas yet, are there anything in between this SLC/EL/NL and the poor Vipers? I cannot try Nikon HG in-store to compare with the Conquest HD.

Thanks again for all of your suggestions, really appreciated them very much,

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