Oooooh, late to the party but stumbled upon this thread and started dreaming...
Here are my suggestions, as kind of a Swaro-guy, these are gonna be a bit Swaro-heavy, I hope you don't mind
Imagine a "supercharged" Swaro Habicht.
Porro, but internal, buttery smooth focusing. Latest and greatest baffles against any stray light, modern eyepieces and all the other goodies. Medium weight, Habicht-type rubber armour. This would be the "ADLER" (eagle):
8x or 10x50, FOV and AFOV somewhere in between an EL and an NL maybe, light field-flatteners applied.
The same concept, but smaller, the "MERLIN":
8x32, Habicht 8x30-magic but none of the downsides, no field-flatteners but better corrected.
Then a roof, possibly an AK for high transmission, as compact as possible for being AK's, maybe yet another strange ergo-masterpiece, a "supercharged" SLCxNL of sorts. The "SPERBER" (sparrow hawk):
A 7.5x40 or 42, the absolute woodland, close range birding tool. Huge FOV and big-ish AFOV, no or VERY light flatteners for fast, comfortable panning and a lightning-fast focusser.