Why in the majority of photos the birds look at left?
So, I'm looking at the 735 pg. Smithsonian's
Birds of North America, Western Region. There are nine birds shown on the cover, five of which are facing right. On the back there's a Steller's Jay facing left, and on the spine a hawk facing right. That's enough statistics for me.
True story. I had a friend who really felt that he could flip a coin so that it turned up heads more often than not. In fact, it even seemed that way to me. So I asked him to flip a coin 100 times and call the outcome while the coin was still in the air. If he was right I marked down a check, if not a cross.
How many checks did he get at the end of 100 tosses? Exactly 50.
* The probability of that event happening with a fair coin is 0.0795.
https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=\frac{1}{2}^{100} \times \binom{100}{50}