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Winter/Summer Feed (1 Viewer)


Active member
United States
Small feeder in CO that attracts Chickadees, Finch, Nuthatch, Bluebird, Sparrow and other smallish house birds with shelled sunflower seeds and "patio blend" during the summer. It's a busy feeder. Should I change seeds/feed for the upcoming winter? I might add a suet feeder?
Sunflower hearts are a favourite at mine for the goldfinches all year round. I add extra suet in a separate feeder and more coconut feeders. It seems to attract alot In the winter and the bits that fall to the floor help the ground feeding birds like the dunnock and Robin. Maybe I spoil them ...
Small feeder in CO that attracts Chickadees, Finch, Nuthatch, Bluebird, Sparrow and other smallish house birds with shelled sunflower seeds and "patio blend" during the summer. It's a busy feeder. Should I change seeds/feed for the upcoming winter? I might add a suet feeder?
Im in Massachusetts but what I like to feed is mainly black oil sunflower, with a suet feeder, 1 Niger seed feeder and sometimes a little millet or cracked on a tray or on the ground.
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