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World Yearlist Record Attempt (1 Viewer)

I have wondered as the species list grows, how many of the year's birding days and species seen will Noah remember?
From a trip where I have gathered a few hundred species over a week or two I find my camera a great way of recalling each day and some of what I was able to see. I have friends however who have been with me on same trip who recall very little beyond some of the prized species seen.
I hope someone has taken lots of photographs for this trip :)

I think he plans on writing a book on this, so I would be shocked if he wasn't taking tons of pics as he went along.
I think he plans on writing a book on this, so I would be shocked if he wasn't taking tons of pics as he went along.

Yes, he is writing a book. In answer to one of the comments below the blog page months back Noah said: ''...next year I will be writing a book on the journey'' (so can't come to give a lecture until after that.)

Yes, he is writing a book. In answer to one of the comments below the blog page months back Noah said: ''...next year I will be writing a book on the journey'' (so can't come to give a lecture until after that.)


And the blog has contained some pretty gripping photos - and allusions to others eg Mountain Gorillas. He'll have plenty of memories.

All the best
He has declared early on e-bird with a last timed entry at 2.40pm:-


My best guess is that means that he has jumped on a plane to move area? If so, to where? Again, my current best guess is that he chalked up (about) 16 additions before doing so. We'll see later:-


If 16 additions, he is shaping up well now north of 260 additions for Australia so almost beginning to fall into Tim's spread of 280-330.

Thanks for the itinerary Paul! Assuming no change, I've calculated that, very generously, there are approximately 330 possible additions to his list available from those places (depending on where he heads to from Perth and Darwin in particular). Realistically, approximately 300 he would have a reasonable chance of finding, though I feel he will struggle to get past c.280. I hope I am wrong!!

All the best
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I have wondered as the species list grows, how many of the year's birding days and species seen will Noah remember?
From a trip where I have gathered a few hundred species over a week or two I find my camera a great way of recalling each day and some of what I was able to see. I have friends however who have been with me on same trip who recall very little beyond some of the prized species seen.
I hope someone has taken lots of photographs for this trip :)

If you have read his blog, you will notice that he has taken some stunning images, one or two of which are posted every day. Not all birds, some mammals, some birders, and some views. If however you page down to day 259, September 16th, in Thattekad India, he had just broken the previous record, and the top of this blog entry is a collage of bird photos, from the previous 9 months. It's worth looking at!
I don't think he'll be short of photos for his book.:t:
He has declared early on e-bird with a last timed entry at 2.40pm:-


My best guess is that means that he has jumped on a plane to move area? If so, to where? Again, my current best guess is that he chalked up (about) 16 additions before doing so. We'll see later:-


If 16 additions, he is shaping up well now north of 260 additions for Australia so almost beginning to fall into Tim's spread of 280-330.

All the best

I made this guess based on the belief he was only going to the areas around Cairns, Sydney, Darwin and Perth- With unexpected trips to Brisbane and Victoria so far, and we can assume more to come, my estimate is now complete and utterely useless!! Without knowing where else he'll be going I won't make another guess!!
I made this guess based on the belief he was only going to the areas around Cairns, Sydney, Darwin and Perth- With unexpected trips to Brisbane and Victoria so far, and we can assume more to come, my estimate is now complete and utterely useless!! Without knowing where else he'll be going I won't make another guess!!

Where's the fun in that? ;) I went 400 solely based on The Biggest Twitch and then downgraded to 340 following licking my finger and putting it in the air.

What will be interesting is finding out how long he can keep up the pace and with what return as Arjan has a lot shorter Australian itinerary.

All the best
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If you have read his blog, you will notice that he has taken some stunning images, one or two of which are posted every day. Not all birds, some mammals, some birders, and some views. If however you page down to day 259, September 16th, in Thattekad India, he had just broken the previous record, and the top of this blog entry is a collage of bird photos, from the previous 9 months. It's worth looking at!
I don't think he'll be short of photos for his book.:t:

Absolutely but of the c6000 species he sees this year, how many will he remember and have captured memories? That's a lot of photographs :)
Absolutely but of the c6000 species he sees this year, how many will he remember and have captured memories? That's a lot of photographs :)

True, and he sure won't have photos of all those 'heard only' species. Not sure how many of these there are. :smoke:

And for the record, he's added 14 today once again ahead of the required run rate.
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I made this guess based on the belief he was only going to the areas around Cairns, Sydney, Darwin and Perth- With unexpected trips to Brisbane and Victoria so far, and we can assume more to come, my estimate is now complete and utterely useless!! Without knowing where else he'll be going I won't make another guess!!

The Brisbane and Melbourne itinerary is a much better one than Sydney, though I did note that by visiting Melbourne he has picked up a few species from the south-west so by the time he gets to Perth there will be little else but the endemics to get, meaning he really won't to spend too much time there.

It would be interesting if he could go via Tasmania for the day on the way to New Zealand. It's quite possible to get all the Tassie endemics in half a day and there are a few other species to pick up too. I wonder if finishing up in New Zealand at all really is the best way to push his total over 6000?
On a spreadsheet last night (using an Australian national list off BUBO), I got him having recorded 585 species out of 903 on that list so far this year. So a difference of 318 with many seabirds, vagrants, limited range species and difficult species amongst the remainder.

I wonder how much longer he will give Australia. How many more realistic additions there?

He has 261 additions from Australia so far from 363 species seen in 10 days including his transit day to PNG.

All the best
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Strange - it's not like Australia is devoid of internet access. Could understand it in the PNG highlands, but not here! Strain of continuous birding starting to tell at last??

I'm completely knackered following it all... he must be done in, but the tape is in sight so only a few days to go, before we have to see how Arjan responds.:t:
Strange - it's not like Australia is devoid of internet access. Could understand it in the PNG highlands, but not here! Strain of continuous birding starting to tell at last??

I'm completely knackered following it all... he must be done in, but the tape is in sight so only a few days to go, before we have to see how Arjan responds.:t:

I was exhausted just looking at the Species Lists and the blogs. Now I've seen the ebird lists and some of his totals on non-year ticks and the sheer scale of species lists for each country etc, it really is astonishingly impressive!

All the best
Strange - it's not like Australia is devoid of internet access. Could understand it in the PNG highlands, but not here! Strain of continuous birding starting to tell at last??

Rural Australia is actually the worst part of the world I've ever been to for internet access. Bar absolutely nowhere else!
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