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Zoom and 32x eye-relief, has it changed? (1 Viewer)


Sempach, Switzerland
In looking at various posts and advertisements, it seems that Leica must have changed the eye-relief on its 20-60x zoom over the last few years. My own, probably among the first ones produced, clearly has reduced eye-relief as one increases magnification. That would agree with findings saying that the eye-relief is 20mm at 20x, 13mm at 30x, and 11mm from 40-60x. However, I can also find a continuous 18mm stated (at the B&H site), which corresponds with reports about "new long eye-relief". Does anyone know specifics about this, and has this change (if it is real) affected the optical quality?

Likewise, I find two differing numbers for the eye-relief of the 32xWW. Has there really been a change here from 15mm to 19mm (as the B&H site suggests)? And how do I find out which model it is when I see one advertised? Or in my case, which one do I own? This is of some interest to me as I consider buying a 30xWW for my small Nikon scope, and I would like to know whether this lens' eye-relief (reported as being 18mm) would be better or worse than what I have on the Leica.

Unfortunately, the Leica web-site is of no help. They do not show eye-relief there.

Swissboy said:
In looking at various posts and advertisements, it seems that Leica must have changed the eye-relief on its 20-60x zoom over the last few years. My own, probably among the first ones produced, clearly has reduced eye-relief as one increases magnification. That would agree with findings saying that the eye-relief is 20mm at 20x, 13mm at 30x, and 11mm from 40-60x. However, I can also find a continuous 18mm stated (at the B&H site), which corresponds with reports about "new long eye-relief". Does anyone know specifics about this, and has this change (if it is real) affected the optical quality?

Likewise, I find two differing numbers for the eye-relief of the 32xWW. Has there really been a change here from 15mm to 19mm (as the B&H site suggests)? And how do I find out which model it is when I see one advertised? Or in my case, which one do I own? This is of some interest to me as I consider buying a 30xWW for my small Nikon scope, and I would like to know whether this lens' eye-relief (reported as being 18mm) would be better or worse than what I have on the Leica.

It does look like Leica has changed the zoom eyepiece design. I found this info in "Company Seven" web pages http://www.company7.com/leica/telev20-60.html :
"For the year 2000, Leica Camera AG has now revised the previous zoom eyepiece for Televid and Apo Televid scopes, resulting in a new optical and mechanical design. Minimizing coma and field curvature has led to even greater edge-to-edge brilliance and contrast. The new enlarged field of view of 34 meters at a distance of 1000 meters at 20x magnification or 20 meters at a distance of 100 meters at 60x magnification gives an even better overview. As the eye relief distance (from lens to the eye) setting remains virtually constant when zooming, eyeglass wearers enjoy a full view of the entire field of view. The new easy-to-use adjustable height eye cups rotate into the desired position - even when wearing bulky gloves this is simple to do. "

The claim about constant eye-relief sounds suspicious to me. I have looked through the new zoom and the eye-relief may be the same at 20x and 60x but definitely less in the middle. Actually the earlier design seems to have had a better eye-relief at 20x.

Re the 32x - I would assume they didn't have different models. With the Televid 62 Leica did introduce a new 32x wide angle (which has an eye-relief of 14-15 mm), but this is 40x with the Televid 77. It looks like the eye-reliefs (relieves?) of Leica and Nikon 32/30x eyepieces seem to be very close (19 vs. 17.9 mm).

iporali said:
.....the eye-relief may be the same at 20x and 60x but definitely less in the middle. Actually the earlier design seems to have had a better eye-relief at 20x.Ilkka

Your observation would at least be consistent with the findings posted above of 20mm vs 18mm eye-relief at 20x. Many thanks for your helpful reply!

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