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Category:Horizocerus - BirdForum Opus

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Genus: Horizocerus


Two Hornbill species


Horizocerus is a genus in the Family Bucerotidae.
It was formerly included in the genus Tockus, in Berenicornis or in Tropicranus.

Genus Horizocerus viewedit
H. albocristatus Western Long-tailed Hornbill
H. cassini Eastern Long-tailed Hornbill
H. hartlaubi Western Dwarf Hornbill
H. granti Eastern Dwarf Hornbill


  1. Del Hoyo, J, A Elliot, and J Sargatal, eds. 2001. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 6: Mousebirds to Hornbills. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. ISBN 978-8487334306

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Pages in category ‘Horizocerus’

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.
