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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
Eastern Kingbird
This Kindbird took the pose for a portrait, I got few seconds.
Parc Marie-Victorin, Kingsey Falls, Qc, Canada
Date taken
August 17, 2018
Scientific name
Tyrannus tyrannus
Equipment used
Nikon d7500, 300mm PF, sb-5000
Outstanding close-up with fabulous lighting, focus, colors, detail, and background. Top-marks Jeacaj!
and you used those few seconds marvelously!!! this is a great portrait of this lovely tyrant, with splendid details and colors, and a superb setting!! many tfs!!
Staff member
Opus Editor
Wasn't that kind of him Jean-Claude!!! But then what else do you expect from these lovely flycatchers!!!

A super picture - very well done lad.
Thanks KC Foggin, Hans&Judy Beste, Stanley Jones, bievrejcc, mali, j toon, delia todd, kim and kits for your nice comments, it's appreciated and encouraging.

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