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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

tyrannus tyrannus

  1. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    Note the white tail tip. This is the most widespread kingbird in North America and the only species breeding in most of the East, A migrant here in southern Texas, it travels long distances with virtually the entire population wintering in the western Amazon Basin of South America. Unlike most...
  2. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) passing through during migration.
  3. Eastern kingbird

    Eastern kingbird

    An Eastern kingbird was sharing territory with Great blue herons.
  4. Eastern kingbird

    Eastern kingbird

    An Eastern kingbird was sharing territory with Great blue herons.
  5. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    Alvaro Jaramillo found this rarity this morning. Special thanks to Karen Pinckard, Keith Gress & Cedrik von Briel who pointed out the kingbird to me in a grove of Monterey Cypress along the north side of the road. Note the distinctive white tip to the tail. Eastern Kingbirds are scarce migrants...
  6. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus)
  7. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus)
  8. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    This is the most widespread kingbird in North America and the only species breeding in most of the East. It is a long distance migrant with virtually the entire population wintering in the western Amazon Basin in South America. Unlike most songbirds, kingbirds frequently migrate during the day...
  9. Eastern Kingbird (perched)

    Eastern Kingbird (perched)

    Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus)
  10. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus)
  11. Rearranging its footing

    Rearranging its footing

    Eastern Kingbird Eastern Kingbirds are blackish above and white below. The head is a darker black than the wings and back, and the black tail has a conspicuous white tip.
  12. It's been awhile

    It's been awhile

    But I sure was happy to see it. Eastern Kingbird
  13. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

  14. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    Note the white tip to the tail. This is the most widespread of the kingbirds in North America and the only species to breed in most of the East. It is a long distance migrant with virtually the entire population wintering in the western Amazon Basin in South America. Unlike most songbirds...
  15. Eastern Kingbird.jpg

    Eastern Kingbird.jpg

    Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus)
  16. Kingbird


    Brookdale Conservation Area Woodstock IL
  17. Kingbird


    Brookdale Conservation Area Woodstock IL
  18. Eastern kingbird

    Eastern kingbird

    An eastern kingbird watches over the fields
  19. Kingbird


    Eastern Kingbird With dark gray/black upperparts and a neat white tip to the tail, the Eastern Kingbird looks like it’s wearing a business suit
  20. Kingbird


    Eastern Kingbird aka Tyrant Flycatcher. I didn't know that one. I think the Eastern variety is more vibrant than the Western Kingbird. But my thoughts
  21. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    This Kindbird took the pose for a portrait, I got few seconds.
  22. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) Sexes similar. Perched in Curly Dock. Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, Chambers County, Texas, USA. Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes Vegetational Area. Shoveler Pond.
  23. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) Sexes similar. Boca Chica, Cameron County, Texas, USA. Along Boca Chica Road in Boca Chica. Open coastal prairie with a few scattered mesquite trees, inland from the Gulf of Mexico at ca. 2 m (6.6 ft) elevation.
  24. Eastern Kingbird

    Eastern Kingbird

    This handsome guy was buzzing around picking off the insects at my favorite lake yesterday. If I were a bird and ran across another bird with a scientific name like this one has I don't think I would mess with it.