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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
Sokoke Scops Owl
These tiny little owls are possibly my favourite! They are the smallest in Africa, and an adorable endemic. They are found only in a small area of coastal forest in Arabuko Sokoke! Like most other owls, they are nocturnal, and mainly feed on insects like: beetles, crickets and locusts. These cute birds are sadly endangered due to habitat loss.
Arabuko Sokoke, Kenya
Date taken
29th April 2019
Scientific name
Otus ireneae
Staff member
Opus Editor
OMG Mustafa!!! I'm so glad you managed to get this picture uploaded in the end!!! What beautiful owls they are.

I see you have got an 'orange' morph in there, so I'll upload this picture to The Opus shortly. Many thanks for sharing it with us my friend.
yes,they are our favourites too,but never saw an orange one,when visiting the area.Thank you for bringing back some fond memories by posting your fabulous photo of them,Robert.
Oh aren't they gorgeous! Absolutely lovely little birds, Mustafa.
How adorable these two are and a beautiful, frontal closeup of them!

I love the orange morph!
Stunning capture and post of these most cute and beautiful Sokoke Scops Owls!!! TFS Mustafa!!!
Staff member
Opus Editor
At last.... I've managed to upload your picture to The Opus article Mustafa.

I wonder if you can remember when you took this picture, so I can include it in the photo caption?

Many thanks lad.
Thank you for all the love guys! So glad I joined this platform to showcase the immense beauty of the birding world in these parts to fellow bird lovers all over the world. :)

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