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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
Tricolored Heron
Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor ruficollis)
Board walk across the marsh abutting Laguna Madre.
South Padre Island Convention Center, South Padre Island, Cameron County, Texas, USA.
Date taken
April 2019
Scientific name
Egretta tricolor
Equipment used
A magnificent image of this perched Heron with its catch. Don't usually see them out of the water with their catch.
that's a great catch he has there, Stanley!!! and a wonderful photo you've made of it, in a gorgeous setting, top class, many tfs!!!
Staff member
Opus Editor
OMG!!! He really does have a decent meal there, doesn't he!!!

What a great picture this is Stanley - very well done laddie.
Oh my word, what a brilliant behavioural capture, Stanley.
Staff member
A cracking shot, pose and capture Stanley, many tfs and a fine set today.

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North America
Added by
Stanley Jones
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