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HG L DCF/Premier LXL 10 x 42

binoculars premium

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Premium Nikon Binoculars for birdwatching

Latest reviews

  • Viewing comfort;; very good for spectacle wearers; lack of distortion; relative colour neutrality; ergonomic body;
  • not as sharp as the sharpest; focus overshoot;
I have used the earliest version Nikon Venturer 10x42LX (part number 7346) and its factory refurbished replacement Nikon Premier 10x42 (part number 7536R).
Sharp across the entire field but as not as razor-sharp in the centre as the best porros and the European competition. You feel as if you have moved closer to the picture seen with the naked eye: this is the ultimate accolade for viewing comfort, even with spectacles. Colours in 7536 are more neutral than in 7346 which had the faintest reddish tinge. "Rolling ball" effect when panning. Reduces with extended use. Chromatic aberration is visible in high contrast situations, partially related to positioning of eye relative to oculars. Smoothest focussing wheel movement of any binocular, moving from minimum to maximum with the shortest of rotations. For older users with declining eye accommodation, this promotes focus overshoot and impression of narrow depth of field. Ergonomic body design with impression of great durability.
  • excellent optics, brightness, ultra sharp, price, focus knob
  • no carrying case
After viewing through Swarovski, Leica and Zeiss I knew my next binoculars had to be topclass: it was such an great feeling to watch through such excellent optics! After searching the internet this Nikon came out as at least equal or a little better than Swarovski SLC/EL, Zeiss and Leica. Not very strange in view of my happiness with my Nikon Fieldscope ED 82 A (see my review there). So, without looking through it (they are not common in The Netherlands) I ordered one ..... and I was stunned with the picture!!! Excellent optics and sharp untill the edges, absurdly bright and so sharp. Everytime I look through them a huge :king: appears on my face. And it's much cheaper than it's European competitors. Although it's not a lightweigt it's very easy to handle and the focus know is very smooth, just as in one of the official reviews: "the picture snaps into sharpness". Although it claims to be waterproof, I do miss a carrying case with a carrying strap etc: I want to protect my optics when I am in rain or snow or whatsoever. All in all: a premium binocular, possibly only beaten slightly by the ED-version in rare light conditions, but twice as cheap. I will be very happy for many, many years. This Nikon is the omproved version of the Venturer LX or HG DCF. The L stands for "Light", it has lost a few ounces in weight.

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