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  1. L

    Bird sound from Tennessee USA

    My dad got this video of an unidentified bird and wanted me to ask you brilliant folks if your knew what bird it was! He couldn't see it, but it was coming from the trees next to a large creek near Union City, Obion County in Tennessee USA. If there's any more info that could be helpful to...
  2. O

    Songbird Call - Tampa, FL, USA

    Hello! I have attached two recordings of a bird call I heard the other day in Tampa, Florida. It is not a call I've heard before and both Merlin and BirdNET cannot appear to ID it. I have attached the original recording as well as an edited "Boosted" version. I did not get a visual on the...
  3. B

    Live indoor-outdoor sound feed - shotgun mic + speaker combo?

    Good morning Bird Forum, greetings from Colchester (UK). My family and I really enjoy listening to the birdsong in our garden, but often it is too cold to leave the windows open to get the full effect. I am planning to rig up a microphone on the exterior wall and then run an audio wire through...
  4. Eurasian Oystercatchers Piping Display

    Eurasian Oystercatchers Piping Display

    In April 2022 I have often seen groups of Eurasian Oystercatchers on the North Frisian Island Amrum with a behavior as if they were "arguing". After some research, it seems like this is called piping display or piping ceremony. I have also read on German sites that this behavior is some communal...
  5. Eurasian Penduline Tit or European Penduline Tit

    Eurasian Penduline Tit or European Penduline Tit

    European Penduline Tits (Remiz pendulinus) building its nest at the twigs of a Birch tree.
  6. Satin Bowerbird

    Satin Bowerbird

    In December 2014, I discovered this bower when a female was on a visit of his bower with her wings flapping fast in front of it. It was the flapping sound of her wings which I heard and it caught my attention. I was not sure what I was about to discover when I heard that sound. This was really...
  7. Chick of the Pied Avocet

    Chick of the Pied Avocet

    A Chick of the Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) at the Dollart, Lower Saxon Wadden Sea National Park
  8. Call of the Eurasian Hoopoe

    Call of the Eurasian Hoopoe

    My first Hoopoe in the Kaiserstuhl area in Germany. You can hear them regularly in that area, and you even can see the Hoopoe in the distance. It was a long walk in the Kaiserstuhl area and almost without luck, until, finally one sat down on a post close to us calling. We were so lucky.
  9. Black-winged Stilts

    Black-winged Stilts

    Filmed my first Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) in the Netherlands this year (2023).
  10. Beautiful Mandarin Duck

    Beautiful Mandarin Duck

    A beautiful Mandarin Duck Drake in a pond in the woods. If you listen closely you can hear her quiet calls.
  11. Mating Common Shelducks

    Mating Common Shelducks

    Common Shelducks (Tadorna tadorna) Mating in a pond in a nature reserve in the Netherlands.
  12. Eurasian Penduline Tit or European Penduline Tit

    Eurasian Penduline Tit or European Penduline Tit

    A European Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus) building its nest at the twigs of a Birch tree.
  13. Call of the Savi's Warbler

    Call of the Savi's Warbler

    Long call of the Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides) in a nature reserve in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
  14. P

    Low pitch tremulous hooting - Mendips UK

    I recorded this at 8pm yesterday, and have done my best to enhance the desired call. Turn the volume all the way up, and listen for the low pitch tremulous hooting, I was truly stumped at what it could be. It's worth noting that Nightjars and Tawny Owls were singing later in the evening. The...
  15. P

    Never heard this call before - UK

    Heard this in my local park, completely threw me for a loop. I tried to get a look but it moved away, and I didn't have time to stick around. Help please!
  16. P

    Audio from Amazonian Ecuador - PART 2

    Hi all, I had a great response from the community last time I posted audio files from my stint as a researcher in Ecuador. I'm gradually going through old recordings and trying to piece together some identifications, so if anyone finds any of these songs and calls recognisable, please let me...
  17. Alarm Call of the Eurasian Blackcap (♂)

    Alarm Call of the Eurasian Blackcap (♂)

    This was the first time for me that I have heard this call of a male Eurasian Blackcap in the forest area on the hill (Lenzenberg) in the Kaiserstuhl area, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. I have never heard this "agitated" sounding call of the Blackcap before.
  18. Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)

    Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)

    A Nightingale singing in the shadows of hedgerow and trees.
  19. Northern Lapwing

    Northern Lapwing

    The first sighting of a Northern Lapwing with four chicks in May 2022.
  20. Bornean Black Magpie, Borneo

    Bornean Black Magpie, Borneo

    Enjoy the clip and its unique calls. The Bornean Black Magpie (Platysmurus aterrimus), aka Black Crested Magpie 黑冠喜鵲. It was previously thought to be a subspecies of the Black Magpie, but recent revisions determined that it is the full species Platysmurus aterrimus. It is endemic to Borneo. It...
  21. Bearded Reedling (♀)

    Bearded Reedling (♀)

    Finally, I was able to film one of the Bearded Reedlings in the Rieselfelder Münster, North Rine-Westphalia, Germany.
  22. M

    Alarm Call: European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)

    Hi all. I managed to film some birds with their alarm calls. I think this is the high pitched alarm call which also some other species are making. In this case it is the hight pitched alarm call of a robin (please correct me when I am wrong):
  23. Call of the White-browed Scrubwren

    Call of the White-browed Scrubwren

    A bit agitated White-browed Scrubwren (Sericornis frontalis) calling in the Bunya Mountains National Park in 2014.
  24. Calls of Green Catbirds

    Calls of Green Catbirds

    In December 2014, when I was in the Bunya Mountains National Park, Queensland, Australia, I was able to hear the Catbird calls. The sound was so strange but interesting to me that I wanted to film them with their calls on video. So, in the end I managed to take some videos of the catbirds, and -...
  25. European Stonechat (♂)

    European Stonechat (♂)

    A male European Stonechat in the nature reserve "Ahsewiesen", Lippetal, North Rine-Westphalia, Germany.