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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. G Chaffinch.jpg

    G Chaffinch.jpg

  2. chaffinch (portrait)

    chaffinch (portrait)

    used the snow and bad weather for some portraits of the "common suspects" hope you like them
  3. chaffinch


  4. Queuing up

    Queuing up

    This male Chaffinch hopped onto a branch and sat waiting for a chance at a feeder.
  5. Chaffinch


  6. Oh, oh!!

    Oh, oh!!

    I managed to fit in a very long overdue visit to Kinnordy, what with the long holiday, then winter weather with the lockdown, it was nearly a year since I'd last been there. Unfortunately the hides weren't open (and still aren't BTW), so you can't get views over the water. However, the feeding...
  7. In the shadows

    In the shadows

    It was rather tricky taking pictures really as I was standing in full sun and the feeders were in dappled light, some of it dark and bits really bright. I had to play about with this image, as she was very dark and the feeder was over-exposed. Mmmm.... well at least you can see her I think!
  8. Fly in

    Fly in

    We were looking around us trying to find a Yellowhammer that was singing, when something flew from across the new road and landed in the top of a tree about a hundred yards up the road. I couldn't make it out in my bins... just a blob and the light was wrong. So with the help of my friend's...
  9. How do I get at it

    How do I get at it

    Back at the new feeding station, still wanting to find out what visits there. Sooooo... having previously seen a female, I then saw a male Chaffinch - he looks very tall, doesn't he LOL
  10. On the rails

    On the rails

    My first sighting of a Chaffinch at the new feeder area. This lady was sitting on an old crash barrier which had been placed to stop cars falling down into the gorge. There were many of these along the twisty old road!
  11. Chaffinch


  12. Chaffinch


  13. Chaffinch


  14. Chaffinch


  15. Chaffinch


  16. chaffinch


  17. Chaffinch


    Very smart and erect
  18. Hear my Song

    Hear my Song

    A male Chaffinch in full voice
  19. Chaffinch


  20. Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

    Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

  21. Chaffinch


    Have a great weekend all...Stay safe.
  22. Chaffinch Female

    Chaffinch Female

  23. chaffinch


  24. Chaffinch


  25. chaffinch

