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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Pensive


    Rather dull light on the afternoon of the last day of 2023. So this picture of our Robin was rather tricky.
  2. Christmas present

    Christmas present

    Christmas eve found us back at the Mause feeders. Couldn't believe my eyes when this Eurasian Magpie called in for his dinner! It had been nearly a year since we'd caught sight of one there (back in February!). What a lovely Christmas present eh! They're still such a rarity here.
  3. Table manners

    Table manners

    At our new feeders I spotted a Great Tit on a branch eating a seed. This is the the tit species favourite method of eating. Get a seed and fly to a branch, holding it between his toes to peck at it. Thanks to Ann (Doc Duck) for pointing this out to me many years ago.
  4. Is it going to rain?

    Is it going to rain?

    A day rather like this one here. Heavily overcast! Seems this Great Spotted Woodpecker isn't too sure of the weather. Saturday Fun
  5. Fattening up

    Fattening up

    This Great Spotted Woodpecker took a wee breather before going at the fat balls again. It was almost as if he thought he'd never see them again. I had to take my chance of getting a picture at that point LOL Saturday Fun
  6. binus1963

    north east tunisia december 2022

    i.d. please eastern end of atlas mountains.
  7. Counting practise

    Counting practise

    The only species that come to the feeders in flocks is Long-tailed Tit. Between us we try to count how many there are. This feeder has, I think, 8 and I think that was the most I saw at one time on it. But there was so much coming and going and some sitting near the feeder waiting for a space...
  8. Christmas Greetings to all my friends at Birdforum

    Christmas Greetings to all my friends at Birdforum

    A very reliable Robin who visits the feeders at Craighall.
  9. Happy Easter

    Happy Easter

    I couldn't find anything remotely funny in my current folders, so present a species that always brings me joy and I hope it does you too. The European Robin is my choice for today. He was in the trees at Craighall just before Christmas. Happy Easter to all my friends.
  10. Christmas


    Around Christmastime a Goldfinch came calling. These are usually only around my feeders in the autumn so a lovely present, but are not reliable visitors. TTTW
  11. Hogmanay Present

    Hogmanay Present

    At long, long last... the last day of 2021 and the Nuthatch finally decided to show itself for me (although he doesn't appear to be that pleased with being caught on camera. I knew there was one around but had never been able to see it. Then I heard it was visiting the new feeding station at...
  12. No room left

    No room left

    .... to start showing some of my winter images and will start with these Long-tailed Tits crowding onto the feeder at Craighall. Saturday Fun
  13. Goldie is helping me to wish all my Birdforum friends a very Happy Christmas

    Goldie is helping me to wish all my Birdforum friends a very Happy Christmas

    I don't see these delightful finches very often but here's one making a brief Christmas visit.
  14. Returned to the fold

    Returned to the fold

    So... the female House Sparrow decided that my food may be better after all LOL. TTTW A quick post and run today, for I'm off out shortly to have a cataract dealt with. Not sure when I'll be able to see well enough to be able to look at the laptop, maybe tonight, maybe next week.
  15. Loyal


    Well.... he's at least more loyal than his missis and kept himself to my side of the hedge! He's right down the bottom of the beech hedge. The greenery is actually their lawn behind it. TTTW
  16. Traitor


    With the lowering of the neighbour's beech hedge, I can now see their feeders hanging in their tree.... and here was one of MY House Sparrows feeding there! TTTW
  17. Drop out SF

    Drop out SF

    Just as I clicked one of the tits decided he'd had enough obviously!
  18. Barrier


    I'd not seen a Long-tailed Tit landing on the old road safety barrier before, and it was rather nice to get one, on its own, out in the open for a change.
  19. A wee splash of red

    A wee splash of red

    There are quite a few Robins near the feeders (rarely on them) and they mostly feed on the ground under the broom and on the path. Got this one, against the light, in one of the trees on the opposite side of the road from the feeders, so I was quite pleased at this result. The most I've seen...
  20. A really popular feeder!

    A really popular feeder!

    They don't always appear when I go, but a real treat when they do come. Think I caught 5 on the fat balls at that time, but there was so much coming and going I may have missed some!! Delightful, aren't they. And a rather nice Christmas treat too.
  21. Winter sunset

    Winter sunset

    I've rather forgotten to post any sunsets lately. This was right at the end of December, and such an eerie colour I thought. It was early afternoon. I'll show another taken an hour later next time. TTTW
  22. New Year's Eve catch!

    New Year's Eve catch!

    After chasing this wee b* for months, finally got him on top of the beech hedge. He'd made so many nano-second visits to the window feeder and I could sometimes hear him calling from somewhere out of sight.... just couldn't get a picture. The battle with him has continued right through to this...
  23. Grey on grey

    Grey on grey

    A period of very poor light in the latter days of December. These doves still manage to make themselves look attractive though, don't you think. I'd not seen one for ages, and the next one I saw was about a week ago... too briefly for a picture though. TTTW
  24. Boxing Day visitors

    Boxing Day visitors

    A late Christmas present, but very welcome all the same. A small flock of Waxwings arrived. The skies were awful grey (as usual when they come!!) so this isn't the best of pictures. They made several visits over the next month, so I may have got some nicer ones than this, here seen with a...
  25. Nooo - move it the other way

    Nooo - move it the other way

    Remember those days when Dad had to go up and shift the tv aerial about to get the signal. Otherwise you had to pay for someone to do it. It seemed to happen quite a lot when I was a kid. Satellite dishes don't seem to move, do they. Another memory from those days was the interference from...