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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Missed


    While we were watching the pretty Wheatears on the dry stone dyke behind the car, suddenly a Eurasian Sparrowhawk swooped over the bonnet and headed for the dyke. Remember I mentioned a big black hole a couple of weeks ago, well he landed right there, and spread his wings for a moment cowling...
  2. Just landed

    Just landed

    We had a couple of Yellowhammers around that afternoon, this one landed just as I was looking for something else, right in line with my camera LOL
  3. Turbine and Kestrel

    Turbine and Kestrel

    This Kestrel seems to be either getting cooled off or is trying to create a breeze to make the turbine blades move LOL Sorry it's a bit oof, but that turbine is about a mile away, don't really know how far the Kes is. One thing I'd been looking forward to with this camera was trying to take...
  4. Spectator


    In the grass beside the track where the Skylark was enjoying his bath, was a Yellowhammer, I'm sure he was wondering what was going on. It had been a while since I'd seen them on the patch, so that day was sure turning into a red letter day LOL I've a feeling they may be recovering from the...
  5. Dust bathing Round 4

    Dust bathing Round 4

    No, you didn't miss rounds 2 and 3, I've omitted them!! The Skylark kept up his dust bathing for ages, gradually getting closer to us. It really was so entertaining to watch. This picture is towards the end of his last go at it. Saturday Fun
  6. Invasion


    I could have given you a picture of a single Northern Wheatear, but this was the first time I'd managed to find 4 together on my patch; think they'd just arrived. We were certainly being treated that day, what with yesterday's Skylark too. Remember that big black hole in the dyke (wall)... it...
  7. Bliss


    We had a wonderful session on my Up the Hill patch a couple of weeks ago. Not just one but two pairs of Wheatears were just arrived and this Eurasian Skylark spent ages enjoying a dust bath! I really liked this pose I captured. Saturday Fun Sorry to be so late with this, as I was half way...
  8. View point

    View point

    Ken has an eye condition which makes it difficult to see some things. Anyway we were having our lunch up at my patch whe he said - "What's that... is it something?". I asked where he was looking. Don't know he said!! Very helpful. Anyway I gave him the camera to see if he could get a picture...
  9. My tree

    My tree

    I spotted this picture on a scroll through some images last night and it so reminded me of the Sycamore Gap Tree beside Hadrian's Wall, which was vandalised by being completely chopped down one night in September. Such a shame for this iconic place. The National Trust are trying to decide what...
  10. A nice reminder..

    A nice reminder..

    On the fence behind the car, so rather difficult to get at, was a sweet wee juvenile Northern Wheatear, still with a bit of a fluffy look. I thought I'd post this as a rather nice reminder of warmer summer days, which seem to be so far behind us and such a long way off into the future! It's 10...
  11. First for a while

    First for a while

    We got to the lochan on my patch and I found a couple of Tufted Duck enjoying themselves. It's a long time since I'd seen them there. They first bred there on my patch back in 2006. But after a few years they just seemed to stop coming.
  12. Nice deodorant this one

    Nice deodorant this one

    Wandering the country roads above Blairgowrie, I wondered what the blob was on top of a dead tree. Turned out to be a Common Starling, a juvenile changing into his winter spots. Saturday Fun
  13. Young ones

    Young ones

    On our way up to the Patch towards the end of September we found a few Barn Swallows on the overhead wires. From this picture it looks like there's two ages of youngsters here... the one on the left looks far more advanced than the one on the right?
  14. Balancing


    Off up to my Patch again. Didn't see much but had quite a bit sitting on wires as we approached. First was a Meadow Pipit, giving a rather nice pose. Sorry, I just completely forgot that yesterday was Saturday!
  15. Not very tuneful

    Not very tuneful

    On our way Up the Hill there were some young Barn Swallows on the overhead wires, which we stopped to photograph. In the past I'd have struggled to get them all in as there were so many. So jam-packed in it was impossible to count them. This time the struggle was because they're so spaced out...
  16. Why on earth did I

    Why on earth did I

    Take a picture of some sheep dung? Took me ages to realise I'd actually managed to get a bird in the shot. This was taken up on my Patch last month. Can you spot it and name it for a bonus point? Saturday Fun
  17. Colonising?


    Also on the lochan were Whooper Swans... yes, no less than three of them! In the past they would occasionally be seen there, for an odd day or two, but only singletons. A rather pleasing sight really.
  18. A male multi-tasking????

    A male multi-tasking????

    My friend and I spent an extended lunch break at my old patch "Up the Hill" on Sunday, quite a bit to be seen but this was a record shot taken through the windscreen of a couple of Mallards. It wasn't until I downloaded the pictures that I realised one was scratching his neck. A bit of...
  19. Wired up

    Wired up

    Making our way slowly along the road home, I spotted this Meadow Pipit sitting on a fence wire. The dark background is actually a hill covered with pine trees!
  20. The wee one

    The wee one

    Then an old friend appeared much further up the lochan. The lovely Little Grebe (or Dabchick). Too far away to get a really decent image, so I didn't attempt to crop too much, as I thought the setting was attractive anyway. The vegetation was looking really lush!
  21. Back on the Patch

    Back on the Patch

    A couple of days later we checked for the feeders, but still none. So we drove on up the Glen heading towards Glenshee, but turned off onto the Tullymurdoch road across the moor where we'd explored the previous day out. The weather wasn't as good and we really didn't see much, apart from a...
  22. Gulls, gulls and more gulls!

    Gulls, gulls and more gulls!

    I just want to tidy up on some of my pre-new camera picture folders. In that lovely early April weather I went for a drive past my old patch in my new car (had an oops moment in that too)! The farmer was ploughing and had attracted hundreds of gulls in mostly Common, but there was one...
  23. A right mixture

    A right mixture

    I'd been suffering from cabin fever with the awful dark days through most of November. When lo and behold the sun came out on the very last day. So I hot-footed it (well drove that is) up the hills to see if I could find any winter visitors. A large flock flew across the road in front of me; I...
  24. Young Stonechat

    Young Stonechat

    AAP There was a little road cut through my patch lined on both sides with gorse (unfortunately this has now all been ploughed up). Anyway, quite a few birds used it during the summer, for breeding and Stonechats were amongst them. Digiscoped
  25. Scottish Thistle

    Scottish Thistle

    I was up on my patch yesterday and went looking for butterflies and damsels - absolutely zilch, apart from one of those tiny white moths with transparent wings. However, the thistles are coming into flower now and if you look very closely at this one you'll see two flies. They were on the...