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eurasian curlew

  1. Eurasian Curlew

    Eurasian Curlew

  2. Curlew


    Eurasian CurlewNumenius arquata
  3. Eurasian Curlew

    Eurasian Curlew

  4. Curlew


    The Bash broke up early afternoon but I was staying over, so took myself back to the Walkmill hide until it got too dark to see much. I was rather pleased when this Curlew came probing the mud in front of the hide. A nice guy came in with his grandson and he was helping me with some camera...
  5. Eurasian Curlews in flight

    Eurasian Curlews in flight

    The Black Kite again.
  6. Eurasian Curlew

    Eurasian Curlew

  7. Worm !

    Worm !

  8. eurasian Curlews in flight

    eurasian Curlews in flight

  9. Eurasian Curlew in flight

    Eurasian Curlew in flight

  10. Eurasian Curlew # 3

    Eurasian Curlew # 3

    Common migrant and winter visitor.
  11. Eurasian Curlew # 2

    Eurasian Curlew # 2

    Common migrant and winter visitor.
  12. Eurasian Curlew # 1

    Eurasian Curlew # 1

    Common migrant and winter visitor.
  13. Eurasian Curlew

    Eurasian Curlew

  14. Eurasian Curlew

    Eurasian Curlew

  15. Curlew Sunset

    Curlew Sunset

    A light breeze rippled across the Bog Cotton as the call of the Curlew bid farewell to the setting sun. For me it was time to head home!
  16. Eurasian Curlew in flight

    Eurasian Curlew in flight

  17. Eurasian Curlew digging for worms

    Eurasian Curlew digging for worms

  18. Eurasian curlew

    Eurasian curlew

    This photo was taken on the sea shore in NE Italy, near Trieste. I was hiding behind a rock and the little bird (that is usually very scary) went on feeding undisturbed.
  19. Eurasian curlew

    Eurasian curlew

    This photo was taken on the sea shore in NE Italy, near Trieste. I was hiding behind a rock and the little bird (that is usually very scary) went on feeding undisturbed.
  20. Eurasian curlew

    Eurasian curlew

  21. euasian Curlews landing

    euasian Curlews landing

  22. Euasian Curlews in flight

    Euasian Curlews in flight

  23. Euasian Curlews in flight

    Euasian Curlews in flight

  24. eurasian Curlew digging with crab

    eurasian Curlew digging with crab

    Not a very appettising looking meal.
  25. Eurasian Curlew digging for crabs

    Eurasian Curlew digging for crabs

    Even with such a long bill he has to put his head into it.