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eurasian curlew

  1. Curlew


  2. Lakescape-1K33


    One of the three individuals ... who suddenly arrived ... the one here is checking us out ... After deciding our presence there being of no consequence ... proceeded to take a good dip ... _____________________ Eurasian Curlew Village Rawta Jhajjar Haryana India 7 December 2024
  3. Lakescape-1K14


    After taking a good ... hard dip in the pool ... he shrugged off the excess moisture ... ... and then proceeded to apply the oily secretion of the preen gland ... the gland is seen very clearly in the image ... at the base of the tail ... Eurasian Curlew Village Bhindawas 7 December 2023
  4. Eurasian curlew

    Eurasian curlew

  5. Eurasian curlew

    Eurasian curlew

  6. eurasian curlew

    eurasian curlew

  7. curlews


  8. Lakescape - 711

    Lakescape - 711

  9. Lakescape - 703 : Sabre rattling

    Lakescape - 703 : Sabre rattling

    Lakescape - 710 Sabre rattling ... Three fabulous large waders ... While the Black-winged Stilt is eminently local ... ... the other two are migratory ... Some Black-tailed Godwits are known to stay back during their first summer waiting for full reproductive maturity ... __________...
  10. The great wild goose chase 2

    The great wild goose chase 2

    When we got to the hide we could see there were geese across the river - too far away to photograph, or even count. But we did spend a bit of time watching a couple of Eurasian Curlews, my first for this season.
  11. Curlews mating.

    Curlews mating.

  12. Eurasian Curlew

    Eurasian Curlew

    Eurasian Curlew
  13. Lakescape - 668

    Lakescape - 668

    Lakescape - 668 Presence of dense fog ... and low lighting gave this image a pencil sketch appearence ... _________ Eurasian Curlew Gurgaon Haryana India 1 December 2015
  14. Curlew with crab_2

    Curlew with crab_2

    This is a continuation on my posting on 25 February, here the crab is a bit better to see. It took 36 seconds from the extraction of the crab from the boulders, this image is taken at the moment of 26 seconds. Just before this moment the bird lost the crab, but took it back soon. In a later...
  15. Eurasian Curlew

    Eurasian Curlew

    Seen on my daily walk along the Thames estuary
  16. 68-Courlis cendré Numenius arquata Eurasian Curlew- 7 mars 2018.jpg

    68-Courlis cendré Numenius arquata Eurasian Curlew- 7 mars 2018.jpg

    Courlis cendré Numenius arquata Eurasian Curlew
  17. Curlew


    One of several curlew around
  18. eurasian curlew

    eurasian curlew

  19. Curlew 7875.jpg

    Curlew 7875.jpg

  20. Like latticework

    Like latticework

    This one's my favorite of the Curlew shots. I love the light turning its wings into latticework, or maybe "Hardangersm" embroidery. I also love the open bill; the Curlews' calls are so mystical-sounding.
  21. Just before dinner

    Just before dinner

    After our walk around Veidholmen, we drove back to the center of the island. Our former neighbors and good friends who used to live across the street from us have a summer home there and had invited us to dinner. It's her childhood home on the farm her parents cleared (by draining the peat bogs...
  22. far eastern and eurasian curlews

    far eastern and eurasian curlews

    the bird with the whitish tail on the left is a Eurasian curlew. There's also a (bar-tailed) godwit in the back on the left.
  23. Bend It Like A Curlew

    Bend It Like A Curlew

  24. eurasian curlew

    eurasian curlew

  25. Eurasian Curlew

    Eurasian Curlew
