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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Fieldfare


    Another arrival of Thrushes at Spurn yesterday Winter is on the way
  2. Fieldfare


  3. Fieldfare


  4. Bathing in the big pond

    Bathing in the big pond

    That day the gardener working on the new water lily pond had drained it to install some sort of liner around the pump, so any little birds that wanted to bathe had to find a quiet, shallow corner of the big pond. Next time I was at the park, the pond had been refilled. Last ime I was there, only...
  5. Head above water

    Head above water

    Finally got through my two digital conference presentations. I found that format rather stressful :S, but oh well. Now it's done. Both papers well received. Finishing and publishing them will proceed at a more leisurely pace. And now I can catch up browsing and posting on BF again |=)|
  6. Monster!


    It isn't only waders that forage on the mudflats. Fieldfares and various Corvids and Gulls are also pretty active out there. This isn't all that great a shot of the Fieldfare, but that worm s/he's got is so weird I thought it might do for ... well, not exactly Saturday Fun, but maybe Saturday...
  7. More water action

    More water action

    Really going for a deep rinse between the primaries here.
  8. You want water action?

    You want water action?

    I'll give you water action! Here! How do you like them splashes? Want some in your face? Want some on that lens you're pointing at me?
  9. Up from the bath

    Up from the bath

    The Fieldfares had no concerns for dignity. They really got into it with loads of splashing and totally soaked plumage. Here's one just up from a spash. The water really brings out their colours. Now to check if the rice is done for dinner. Then back to browsing after we eat.
  10. Choices, choices

    Choices, choices

    Frankly, I'm not sure which menu option I would ... well, prefer is perhaps not the best word for it. How about least be put off by ...? With the campus caf corona-closed, what was on offer that day was either big juicy worms, delivered fresh and wriggling by the Fieldfare, or ...
  11. Contortionist


    Looking back from two months later, it took me quite a while to figure out what's going on here, what's up and what's down and what this Fieldfare is doing. He's reaching around behind and over his right wing to scratch an itch. In my teens I used to be able to wrap my leg (one, not both at...
  12. Fieldfare


  13. In the midst of ...

    In the midst of ...

    This Fieldfare was busy raising new life in the graveyard by the cathedral.
  14. Fieldfare


  15. Watchful, ruffled

    Watchful, ruffled

    Today's theme is watched birds watching the birdwatcher, but each in somewhat different moods ... well, it started off as moods, but devolved into a pun build-up. Sorry about that. Couldn't resist. I blame my father - a punster of G-d's grace ;) Three quick posts, then off to town to my dental...
  16. Grey


    The Norwegian name for Fieldfare is Grtrost - grey thrush - for their grey heads and rumps. This guy was looking quite proud of his colours, but that's an anthropomorphisation, of course. This pose isn't pride, it's his hunting pose - on the lookout for insects.
  17. Fieldfare


  18. SF splash 1

    SF splash 1

    I promised some splash shots for Saturday Fun this week. Here they are. Hope you find them good for a giggle.
  19. Celebrating 2

    Celebrating 2

    But my recovered freedom to hike was not the only thing I was celebrating. I was also celebrating my new piece of kit. Since I had to cancel all my travel plans for 2020, and since everything was refunded, I found I could at least afford to ask the price of a new lens, especially since my 80-400...
  20. fieldfare


  21. Fieldfare


    3 new pictures today and I may be posting Waxwings for a whiile. Haven't seen any since last Saturday though. There were a couple of Fieldfares in the same trees as the Waxwings.
  22. fieldfare


  23. Wary but stubborn

    Wary but stubborn

    After weaving my way through the new apartment buildings and the shipyards-now-shopping-mall, counting the birds in all the docks and slips and apartment building shrubberies, I had one last stretch of river before turning off past the old WWII submarine bunkers to Nyhavna ("New...
  24. TOTW.....Taken outside the window

    TOTW.....Taken outside the window

  25. Off balance

    Off balance
