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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Kestrel in the sun 2 N7114989

    Kestrel in the sun 2 N7114989

  2. Dancing in the sunlight N7115138

    Dancing in the sunlight N7115138

  3. Kestrel N7094643

    Kestrel N7094643

    Flightshot of the kestrel after catching a mouse, using the birdtracking AF of the OM1
  4. Kestrel


    Photo of a Kestrel - taken today on my local dog walk around Wroxham, Norfolk
  5. Kestrel hovering

    Kestrel hovering

  6. kestrelN2256109


    mouse hunting
  7. Kestrel


    Hunting over scrub land.
  8. Kestrel


    A kestrel resting in a bush before taking off and hunting across rank grassland
  9. Young Kestrel brothers exchange affection

    Young Kestrel brothers exchange affection

    Young Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) who left the nest only two days ago, like good brothers, exchange affection, it is surprising that they are already able to hunt grasshoppers.
  10. A


    Hey everyone I live in lebanon I have a new common kestrel, got it from a guy who was hunting birds and shoot it by fault . I've took it from him cure her and now I'm taking care of her and i don't want her to go away cz i love these birds. But i don't know much about her only what to feed her
  11. Common kestrel

    Common kestrel

    From time to time here. I was pretty surprised to see that kessie found more than just an insect.
  12. Kestrel


    Pretty close.
  13. Common Kestrel Flying Overhead

    Common Kestrel Flying Overhead

  14. Kestrel


  15. Kestrel hunting near Balintore castle

    Kestrel hunting near Balintore castle

    This bird hovered for quite a while within reasonable range of the camera, is it a young Kestrel?
  16. Adult kestrel

    Adult kestrel

    Even the adult birds accepted me. They brought mice for the youngsters. I was there several times for some hours in the past weeks. Guess they are aware that I am not a threat.
  17. SF - Downy king jr.

    SF - Downy king jr.

    I had the pleasure to be there with three fledglings with one still in the box. When I arrived were they shy and tried to hide themselves in the trees (bg). After a while did they not care anymore. They came out and I became part of a kestrel family this afternoon. They explored the property...
  18. Raptor-166


    Keeping vigil ... like a super hero ... _______________ Kestrel Jhajjar : Haryana India
  19. O

    Need ID for a prey bird

    Location is in Sothern westren Romania around the Serbian border, a field with forestry of oak wood around the "Victor Vlad Delamarin" village. The bird was flying away, got scared by some hunter's gunshot in distance. The bird was of prey and had a round head; which would maybe be a kestrel...
  20. Kestrel


  21. kestrel sitting

    kestrel sitting

    having a walk to take some kestrel pics part three
  22. kestrel  flight

    kestrel flight

    having a walk to take some kestrel pics part two
  23. kestrel  starting

    kestrel starting

    having a walk to take some kestrel pics part one
  24. Common kestrel

    Common kestrel

    Another wonderful warm late summer day. These days are becoming rarer. A very small number of migratory birds up to now. Sparrow hawk and goshawk are present almost everyday. A kestrel is of course less dangerous for birds on migration.
  25. Kestrel

